6-OHDA으로 유도한 파킨슨병 모델에서의 선퇴추출물의 행동장애 및 도파민 세포 사멸 억제 효과

Cicadidae Periostracum, the Cast-off Skin of the Cicada, Attenuates Movement Impairment and Dopaminergic Neuronal Damage in 6-OHDA-induced Parkinson's Disease Model

  • 임혜선 (한국한의학연구원 한약자원연구센터) ;
  • 박건혁 (한국한의학연구원 한약자원연구센터)
  • Hye-Sun Lim (Herbal Medicine Resources Research Center, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • Gunhyuk Park (Herbal Medicine Resources Research Center, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine)
  • 투고 : 2023.10.13
  • 심사 : 2023.10.25
  • 발행 : 2023.10.31


Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by dopaminergic neuronal loss in the substantia nigra, resulting in reduced dopamine levels and consequent motor dysfunction. Genetic and environmental factors contribute to oxidative stress in PD. Cicadidae Periostracum (CP), a traditional Korean medicine, has shown neuroprotective effects against MPTP-induced neurotoxicity in PD. However, its effects on the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) model have not been established. This study examined CP's effects on a 6-OHDA-induced PD model. CP protected against 6-OHDA damage in both in vitro and in vivo studies. Furthermore, CP reduced the production of reactive oxygen species, inhibited apoptosis, preserved dopamine levels, protected tyrosine hydroxylase in the substantia nigra, and improved motor function. These findings suggest that CP may delay PD progression by maintaining the redox balance.



본 연구는 한국한의학연구원 '지속가능한 한약표준자원 활용기술 개발' (KSN1822320) 및 '선퇴 추출물의 파킨슨병 억제 기술 업그레이드 연구' (KSN20234313) 사업 지원으로 수행되었다.


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