Describing Physical Activity Patterns of Truck Drivers Using Actigraphy

  • Brad Wipfli (School of Public Health, Oregon Health & Science University-Portland State University) ;
  • Sean P.M. Rice (School of Public Health, Oregon Health & Science University-Portland State University) ;
  • Ryan Olson (School of Public Health, Oregon Health & Science University-Portland State University) ;
  • Kasey Ha (Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Boston Children's Hospital) ;
  • Caitlyn Trullinger-Dwyer (Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences, Oregon Health & Science University) ;
  • Todd Bodner (Department of Psychology, Portland State University)
  • Received : 2023.03.20
  • Accepted : 2023.08.14
  • Published : 2023.09.30


Background: Truck driving is a highly sedentary occupation that places workers at risk for chronic health conditions, such as obesity and high blood pressure. The primary purpose of this study was to objectively describe truck drivers' typical physical activity (PA) patterns. Methods: We used ~7-10-day baseline PA actigraphy data samples from drivers in the Safety & Health Involvement For Truckers (SHIFT) study (n = 394). Driver PA patterns (e.g., average number of ≥10 minute Freedson bouts per week, time in bouts, and common days/times for PA) were summarized with descriptive analyses. We also compared objective accelerometer data to self-reports. Results: Drivers' weekly PA averaged 14.4 minutes (SD = 37.0), and most PA occurred between 5-6 pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Drivers overestimated self-reported weekly exercise by over 60 min/week compared to accelerometer data. Conclusion: Our results suggest that objective PA assessment may be warranted over self-report when possible, and timing may be key in future PA intervention work with truck drivers.



The research was supported with a grant from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R01HL1054950). This study is registered as a clinical trial (NCT02105571). The authors would like to thank Kevin Bransford, Sydney Running, Melanie Koren, Katrina Bettencourt, Jessica Sanata, Louis Moore, Kristy Luther, Noal Clemons, Emma Robson, Annie Buckmaster, Annie Cannon, Rossmary Vasquez, Diane Elliot, Nancy Perrin, and Kent Anger for their contributions to the study


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