반도체 식각 공정용 초저온 냉각 시스템 설계를 위한 비가연성 혼합냉매 응축 및 비등 열전달 계수 측정

Measurement of Condensation and Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficients of Non-flammable Mixed Refrigerant for Design of Cryogenic Cooling System for Semiconductor Etching Process

  • 이천규 (한국생산기술연구원 청정기술연구소 탄소중립산업기술연구부문) ;
  • 이정길 (한국생산기술연구원 청정기술연구소 탄소중립산업기술연구부문)
  • Cheonkyu Lee (Carbon Neutral Technology R&D Department, Research Institute of Clean Manufacturing System, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)) ;
  • Jung-Gil Lee (Carbon Neutral Technology R&D Department, Research Institute of Clean Manufacturing System, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH))
  • 투고 : 2023.09.08
  • 심사 : 2023.09.18
  • 발행 : 2023.09.30


In this study, experimental approach of the measurement of condensation and evaporation heat transfer coefficients is discussed for mixed refrigerants using in the ultra low-temperature cooling system for semiconductor etching process. An experimental apparatus was described performing the condensation and evaporation heat transfer measurements for mixed refrigerants. The mixed refrigerant used in this study was composed of the optimal mixture determined in previous research, with a composition of Ar:R14:R23:R218 = 0.15:0.4:0.15:0.3. The experiments were conducted over a temperature range from -82℃ to 15℃ and at pressures ranging from 18.5 bar to 5 bar. The convection heat transfer coefficients of the mixed refrigerant were measured at flow rates corresponding to actual operating conditions. The condensation heat transfer coefficient ranged from approximately 0.7 to 0.9 kW/m2K, while the evaporation heat transfer coefficient ranged from 1.0 to 1.7 kW/m2K. The detailed discussion of the experimental methods, procedures, and results were described in this paper.



본 연구는 2021년도 산업통상자원부 기계·장비산업기술개발사업"냉각용량 2 kW급 반도체 식각 공정(Etching Process)용 초저온 냉각 시스템 개발"의 연구비 지원에 의한 연구임 (No. 20014817)


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