A Study of Risk Factor Analysis of Republic of Korea Air Force Training Pilot

공군 훈련 조종사 위험요인 분석에 관한 연구

  • 이학봉 (공군항공안전단 안전관리실 연구과) ;
  • 권오성 (공군항공안전단 안전관리실 연구과)
  • Received : 2023.06.15
  • Accepted : 2023.08.02
  • Published : 2023.09.30


The overall Air Force's serious accident rate is decreasing, but the trainer's accident rate is on the rise from 0.24% in '00~'09 to 0.77% in '01~'19. Base on the SHELL model recommended by the ICAO, the risk factors of the introductory flight training course were analyzed, implications were examined, and safety promotion measures were proposed. A survey of 25 questions was organized based on regulations, guidelines, and related data for each component of the SHELL model in accordance with the introductory course of Air Force flight training. The survey was divided into a student group and instructor group and compared and analyzed into L-L, L-S, L-H, and L-E based on the results after conducting it, and implications for this were derived. Compared to other analysis factors, L-L showed that the average of the instructor group was relatively higher that of the student group in all questions.



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