Ipomoea heptaphylla and Murdannia nudiflora: New records for the flora of Korea

  • Received : 2023.07.19
  • Accepted : 2023.09.06
  • Published : 2023.09.30


Ipomoea heptaphylla Sweet and Murdannia nudiflora (L.) Brenan have been discovered on arable land on Jejudo Island, Korea. Ipomoea heptaphylla can easily be distinguished from other Korean Ipomoea species by certain distinctive features, which include thin and coiled long pedicels, small corollas, and, most importantly, palmatisect leaves with five to seven lobes. Murdannia nudiflora is characterized by the absence of a rhizome, the presence of caducous bracteoles, by its bearing of more than one flower, and by its fruits with two seeds per valve and foveolate-reticulate seeds, distinguishing it from M. keisak. In this study, we report the plants I. heptaphylla and M. nudiflora and provide their morphological descriptions, photographs, distribution, and keys.



This study was supported by the "Research on taxonomy and distribution of invasive alien plants in Korea (KNA-1-2-39, 21-2)" project funded by the Korea National Arboretum, and research funds of the National Research Foundation of Korea (2022M3H9A1097179). We would like to express our gratitude to Seong Ik Kim, Seong Gwon Lee, and Sa Beom Jang for providing information on the natural habitat and collecting specimens.


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