A Review on IoT: Layered Architecture, Security Issues and Protocols

  • 투고 : 2023.09.05
  • 발행 : 2023.09.30


The Internet of Things (IoT) is the most creative and focused technology to be employed today. It increases the living conditions of both individuals and society. IoT offers the ability to recognize and incorporate physical devices across the globe through a single network by connecting different devices by using various technologies. As part of IoTs, significant questions are posed about access to computer and user privacy-related personal details. This article demonstrates the three-layer architecture composed of the sensor, routing, and implementation layer, respectively, by highlighting the security risks that can occur in various layers of an IoT architecture. The article also involves countermeasures and a convenient comparative analysis by discussing major attacks spanning from detectors to application. Furthermore, it deals with the basic protocols needed for IoT to establish a reliable connection between objects and items.



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