Classification and Spatial Variability Assessment of Selected Soil Properties along a Toposequence of an Agricultural Landscape in Nigeria

  • Fawole Olakunle Ayofe (Department of Sustainable Forest Management, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria) ;
  • Ojetade Julius Olayinka (Department of Soil Science and Land Resources Management, Obafemi Awolowo University) ;
  • Muda Sikiru Adekoya (Department of Soil Science and Land Resources Management, Obafemi Awolowo University) ;
  • Amusan Alani Adeagbo (Department of Soil Science and Land Resources Management, Obafemi Awolowo University)
  • 투고 : 2023.03.23
  • 심사 : 2023.09.04
  • 발행 : 2023.09.30


This study characterize, classify and evaluates the function of topography on spatial variability of some selected soil properties to assist in designing land management that support uniform agricultural production. The study site, an agricultural land, was part of the derived savanna zone in southwest Nigeria. Four soil profile pits each were established along two delineated toposequence and described following the FAO/UNESCO guidelines. Samples were collected from the identified genetic horizons. Properties of four soil series developed on different positions of the two delineated Toposequence viz upper, middle, lower slopes and valley bottom positions respectively were studied. The soil samples were analysed for selected physical and chemical properties and data generated were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that soil colour, depth and texture varied in response to changes in slope position and drainage condition. The sand content ranged from 61 to 90% while the bulk density ranged between 1.06 g cm-3 to 1.68 g cm-3. The soils were neutral to very strongly acid with low total exchangeable bases. Available phosphorus value were low while the extractable micronutrient concentration varied from low to medium. Soils of Asejire and Iwo series mapped in the study area were classified as Typic isohyperthermic paleustult, Apomu series as Plinthic isohyperthermic paleustult and Jago series as Aquic psamment (USDA Soil Taxonomy). These soils were correlated as Lixisol, Plinthic Lixisol and Fluvisol (World Reference Based), respectively. Major agronomic constraints of the soils associations mapped in the study area were nutrient availability, nutrient retention, slope, drainage, texture, high bulk density and shallow depth. The study concluded that the soils were not homogenous, shows moderate spatial variation across the slope, had varying potentials for sustainable agricultural practices, and thus, the agronomic constraints should be carefully addressed and managed for precision agriculture.



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