Google Street View 데이터와 인공지능을 활용한 위치기반 가로공간 보행자 데이터 수집 방법 개발

Developing Geo-coded Street-level Pedestrian Volume Data Using Google Street View Data and Artificial Intelligence Models

  • 김영우 (서울대 공학연구원) ;
  • 황용하 (미시간대 공간정보계획부) ;
  • 정은석 (상명대 디자인대학 스페이스디자인전공) ;
  • 강범준 (서울대 건축학과)
  • Kim, Youngwoo (Institute of Engineering Research, Seoul National University) ;
  • Hwang, Yongha (Space Information and Planning, University of Michigan) ;
  • Jeong, Eunseok (Spatial Design, College of Design, Sangmyung University) ;
  • Kang, Bumjoon (Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2023.06.15
  • 심사 : 2023.08.15
  • 발행 : 2023.09.30


Pedestrian count data serves various purposes within architectural, urban planning, and related fields. Typically, this data is collected by government agencies and commercial survey companies. However, conventional methods of recording pedestrian data demand significant time and effort. Consequently, data availability is restricted to specific timeframes and limited locations. In response to this, we conducted feasibility tests for an object-based pedestrian detection procedure. Google Street View data was used to capture geocoded pedestrian counts at street levels in New York City, the U.S. A validation study was performed against historical pedestrian count data recorded officially in the city at 114 different locations. The results indicated a high agreement rate of over 0.8, suggesting that street-level image data could effectively and economically replace conventional pedestrian counting methods.



이 연구는 2020년도 한국연구재단 연구비 지원에 의한 결과의 일부임 (과제번호: 2020R1C1C1013021)


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