Evaluation of Management Performance for Heritage Buildings Case Study: Greco-Roman Museum - Alexandria, Egypt

  • Adel El-Menchawy (Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design Department, College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport) ;
  • Wael Kamel (Construction and Building Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport) ;
  • Amal Mamdouh (Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design Department, College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport) ;
  • Mirna Eskander (Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design Department, College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport)
  • Received : 2023.04.21
  • Accepted : 2023.09.06
  • Published : 2023.09.30


Building restoration is a complex process with a high level of uncertainty. Restoration professionals can significantly benefit from the well-established discipline of project management to achieve their targets; however, available evidence shows that the use of the project management body of knowledge in restoration projects is far from the desired level. Several historical organisations have since been established with the goal of preserving and governing cultural identity, and numerous studies have supported the need of preserving architectural heritage. Many owners, investors, academics, and developers believe that it would be considerably more expensive to renovate and restore an old building than to create a new one. Although the project management process is generally recognised, the concept of project management for architectural heritage projects differs due to the uniqueness of each project. It differs from many construction projects in terms of the need for research-based practices to define scope, planning, scheduling, supervision,decision-making,and also performance. The Greco-Roman Museum in Alexandria's planning, design, and building phases are being studied with the aim of identifying and analysing the variables that contribute to project delays. Three project management pillars were established as a result of gathering this data from the project's stakeholders: the first pillar addresses time management for the existing phase and how it will be incorporated into the new extension phase; the second pillar addresses performance in relation to project management issues in the delivery of the best quality of a construction project; and the third pillar addresses the scope of the new extension because it will significantly impact the other two pillars. This paper argues that a contemporary perspective which utilizes project management tools and techniques can contribute to the conservation of architectural heritage in line with the conservation principles.



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