Prior Literature Investigation of the Human Resource Management (HRM) in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)

  • Eungoo KANG (Becamex School of Business, Eastern International University)
  • Received : 2023.08.25
  • Accepted : 2023.09.12
  • Published : 2023.09.30


Purpose - In this study, the current author explores how Human Resource Management (HRM) is changing in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Understanding the distinctive features of HRM in this day is crucial, given how rapidly industries are changing due to technology. Research design, data, and methodology - This study adopts a thorough literature review methodology to pinpoint and clarify these distinctive characteristics, advancing our understanding of the role of HRM in the modern world. Regarding methodology, this study uses the PRISMA approach to systematically gather pertinent publications from various sources that have undergone peer review. Result - By carefully choosing and examining these studies, the present author was able to identify four crucial HRM traits that are representative of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The findings emphasizes how common flexible work schedules are. Using data analytics to influence HRM decisions is increasingly important for maximizing hiring, reviewing performance, and fostering organizational growth. Conclusion - By recalibrating their HRM practices in the 4IR, businesses may encourage flexibility, innovation, and employee well-being. This work makes a substantial contribution to both HRM theory and practice and our comprehension of the transformative effects of the 4IR by filling a gap in the existing literature.



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