Analysis of Damping Performance of Hysteretic Dampers of Buckling restrained Braced Type According to eccentricity of school buildings with Torsional irregularities

비틀림 비정형을 가지는 학교건물의 편심율에 따른 좌굴방지가새형 이력댐퍼의 제진성능분석

  • Received : 2023.04.24
  • Accepted : 2023.05.19
  • Published : 2023.06.15


In the case of a school building, even though it is a regular structure in terms of plan shape, if the masonry infill wall acts as a lateral load resisting element, it can be determined as a torsionally irregular building. As a result, the strength and ductility of the structure are reduced, which may cause additional earthquake damage to the structure. Therefore, in this study, a structure similar to a school building with torsional irregularity was selected as an example structure and the damping performance of the PC-BRB was analyzed by adjusting the eccentricity according to the amount of masonry infilled wall. As a result of nonlinear dynamic analysis after seismic reinforcement, the torsional irregularity of each floor was reduced compared to before reinforcement, and the beams and column members of the collapse level satisfied the performance level due to the reduction of shear force and the reinforcement of stiffness. The energy dissipation of PC-BRB was similar in the REC-10 ~ REC-20 analytical models with an eccentricity of 20% or less. REC-25 with an eccentricity of 25% was the largest, and it is judged that it is effective to combine and apply PC-BRB when it has an eccentricity of 25% or more to control the torsional behavior.



이 논문은 2023년도 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단(NRF-2021R1A2C109464212)에 의해 수행되었습니다.


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