• Birkan Aksan (Department of Mathematical Engineering, Gumushane University) ;
  • Sumeyye Gur Mazlum (Department of Computer Technology, Gumushane University)
  • 투고 : 2023.01.11
  • 심사 : 2023.03.28
  • 발행 : 2023.09.14


In this paper, we calculate Frenet frames, Frenet derivative formulas, curvatures, arc lengths, geodesic curvatures according to the Lorentzian 3-space ℝ31, Lorentzian sphere 𝕊21 and hyperbolic sphere ℍ20 of the spherical indicatrix curves of the spacelike Salkowski curve with the timelike principal normal in ℝ31 and draw the graphs of these indicatrix curves on the spheres.



The authors sincerely thank the editors of the journal who devoted their attention to the paper, and the referees who contributed their valuable time to the study.


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