A Study on the Role and Security Enhancement of the Expert Data Processing Agency: Focusing on a Comparison of Data Brokers in Vermont

데이터처리전문기관의 역할 및 보안 강화방안 연구: 버몬트주 데이터브로커 비교를 중심으로

  • Received : 2023.03.03
  • Accepted : 2023.05.04
  • Published : 2023.06.30


With the recent advancement of information and communication technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and 5G, data is being produced and digitized in unprecedented amounts. As a result, data has emerged as a critical resource for the future economy, and overseas countries have been revising laws for data protection and utilization. In Korea, the 'Data 3 Act' was revised in 2020 to introduce institutional measures that classify personal information, pseudonymized information, and anonymous information for research, statistics, and preservation of public records. Among them, it is expected to increase the added value of data by combining pseudonymized personal information, and to this end, "the Expert Data Combination Agency" and "the Expert Data Agency" (hereinafter referred to as the Expert Data Processing Agency) system were introduced. In comparison to these domestic systems, we would like to analyze similar overseas systems, and it was recently confirmed that the Vermont government in the United States enacted the first "Data Broker Act" in the United States as a measure to protect personal information held by data brokers. In this study, we aim to compare and analyze the roles and functions of the "Expert Data Processing Agency" and "Data Broker," and to identify differences in designated standards, security measures, etc., in order to present ways to contribute to the activation of the data economy and enhance information protection.



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