Innovation Resistance Model of Sustainable SCM: Mediating Effect on Dynamic Capability

  • Da-Sol Lee (School of Business, Hanyang University)
  • Received : 2023.02.23
  • Accepted : 2023.04.09
  • Published : 2023.06.30


Purpose - Although the importance and necessity of "sustainable supply chain management (SCM)" is emphasized, it is often not realized due to conflicting results, the long time required, and large-scale changes brought about by sustainability. This study used the innovation resistance model to confirm the influence of sustainable SCM innovation resistance factors and dynamic capabilities on adoption intentions. This approach made it possible to understand the factors that hinder adoption of sustainability practices and to identify the relationships among influencing factors. It should also help to establish effective policies or strategies. Design/methodology - Through a literature review, the characteristics of sustainable SCM were classified into relative advantage, compatibility, perceived risk, and complexity. The effects of these innovation characteristics on innovation resistance in sustainable SCM and the effects of innovation resistance on adoption intentions were confirmed. In addition, the effects of SCM capabilities on innovation resistance and adoption intentions were analyzed, and the mediating effect of innovation resistance was analyzed. Findings - Compatibility, perceived risk, and flexibility had significant effects on innovation resistance. In turn, innovation resistance had a significant effect on adoption intention, and flexibility had a significant effect on intention to adopt. A partial mediating effect of resistance to innovation was confirmed. Originality/value - Although many previous studies have acknowledged trade-offs with sustainability, most sustainable SCM studies dealt with the correlations among positive drivers of adoption, practices, and performance. This study confirmed the process of accepting sustainable SCM innovation in a single model and is expected to serve as a cornerstone for future sustainable SCM adoption studies. In addition, our findings should help establish effective policies or strategies to activate SSCM adoption by identifying the factors that hinder the adoption of sustainable SCM.



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