기술문명징후 탐색

  • Sungwook E. Hong (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) ;
  • Bong Won Sohn (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) ;
  • Taehyun Jung (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) ;
  • Min-Su Shin (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) ;
  • Hyunwoo Kang (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) ;
  • Minsun Kim (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
  • Received : 2022.12.22
  • Accepted : 2023.04.25
  • Published : 2023.08.31


Technosignature, previously known as SETI(search for extraterrestrial intelligence), is the scientific evidence of past or present extraterrestrial civilizations. Since NRAO's Project Ozma was performed in 1960, most of the noticeable technosignature searches have been done by radio telescopes, hoping to find strong and narrow bandwidth signals that cannot be explained by known natural processes. Recently, the Breakthrough Listen project has opened a new opportunity for technosignature by utilizing both optical telescopes, radio telescopes, and next-generation radio telescope arrays. In this review, mainly based on NASA Technosignatures Workshop (2018), we review the current trends of technosignature surveys, as well as other possible methods for detecting technosignature. Also, we suggest what the Korean community could contribute the technosignature research, including the new SETI project with Korea VLBI Network (KVN).



우주생명현상 탐색 연구를 함께 수행하고 있는 동료들(LiCE team: 이충욱, 정선주, Thiem Hoang)과 익명의 심사위원께 감사드립니다. LiCE(Life in Cosmic Exploration) 세미나 시리즈를 통해, 본 연구에 유용한 리뷰와 의견을 제공한 Michael Garret 교수, Chris Phillips 교수께 감사드립니다. 본 연구는 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 한국천문연구원 주요사업(No. 2021184005, 우주생명현상탐색, No. 2022186903, 우주 거대구조를 이용한 암흑우주연구, No. 2023184007, 고밀도 천체의 물질 방출 및 자기장 연구) 및 기타사업 (No.2022E83090, 우주생명현상 탐색 기획연구)과 수탁사업(NRF-2020K1A3A1A78114060, 한-EU 미래 AGN VLBI 연구기반 구축(H2020 RadioNet))의 지원을 받아 수행되었습니다.


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