Characterization analysis of Rongchang pig population based on the Zhongxin-1 Porcine Breeding Array PLUS

  • Dong Leng (Chongqing Academy of Animal Science) ;
  • Liangpeng Ge (Chongqing Academy of Animal Science) ;
  • Jing Sun (Chongqing Academy of Animal Science)
  • 투고 : 2023.02.13
  • 심사 : 2023.05.17
  • 발행 : 2023.10.01


Objective: To carry out a comprehensive production planning of the existing Rongchang pig population from both environmental and genetic aspects, and to establish a closed population with stable genetic diversity and strict pathogen control, it is necessary to fully understand the genetic background of the population. Methods: We genotyped 54 specific pathogen free (SPF) Rongchang pigs using the Zhongxin-1 Porcine Breeding Array PLUS, calculated their genetic diversity parameters and constructed their families. In addition, we also counted the runs of homozygosity (ROH) of each individual and calculated the value of inbreeding coefficient based on ROH for each individual. Results: Firstly, the results of genetic diversity analysis showed that the effective population size (Ne) of this population was 3.2, proportion of polymorphic markers (PN) was 0.515, desired heterozygosity (He) and observed heterozygosity (Ho) were 0.315 and 0.335. Ho was higher than He, indicating that the heterozygosity of all the selected loci was high. Secondly, combining the results of genomic relatedness analysis and cluster analysis, it was found that the existing Rongchang pig population could be divided into four families. Finally, we also counted the ROH of each individual and calculated the inbreeding coefficient value accordingly, whose mean value was 0.09. Conclusion: Due to the limitation of population size and other factors, the genetic diversity of this Rongchang pig population is low. The results of this study can provide basic data to support the development of Rongchang pig breeding program, the establishment of SPF Rongchang pig closed herd and its experimental utilization.



Thanks for the support of National Center of Technology Innovation for Pigs (grant number 22613) and Chongqing Technology Innovation and Application Development Special Key Project (cstc2021jscx-dxwtBX0007).


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