Role of Attentional Focus in Balance Training: Effects on Ankle Kinematics in Patients with Chronic Ankle Instability during Walking - A Double-Blinded Randomized Control Trial

  • Hyun Sik Chang (Department of Physical Education, Yonsei University) ;
  • Hyung Gyu Jeon (Department of Physical Education, Yonsei University) ;
  • Tae Kyu Kang (Department of Physical Education, Yonsei University) ;
  • Kyeongtak Song (Department of Physical Education, Yonsei University) ;
  • Sae Yong Lee (Department of Physical Education, Yonsei University)
  • Received : 2023.05.16
  • Accepted : 2023.06.15
  • Published : 2023.06.30


Objective: Although balance training has been used as an effective ankle injury rehabilitation program to restore neuromuscular deficits in patients with chronic ankle instability, it is not effectively used in terms of motor learning. Attentional focusing can be an effective method for improving ankle kinematics to prevent recurrent ankle injuries. This study aimed to 1) evaluate the effects of attentional focus, including internal and external focus, and 2) determine a more effective focusing method for patients with chronic ankle instability to learn balance tasks. Method: Twenty-four patients with chronic ankle instability were randomly assigned to three groups (external focus, internal focus, and no feedback) and underwent four weeks of progressive balance training. The three-dimensional ankle kinematics of each patient were measured before and after training as the main outcomes. Ensemble curve analysis, discrete point analysis, and post hoc pairwise comparisons were performed to identify interactions between groups and time. Results: The results showed that (1) the external focus group was more dorsiflexed and everted than the internal focus group; (2) the external focus group was more dorsiflexed than the no feedback group; and (3) the no feedback group was more dorsiflexed than the internal focus group. Conclusion: Because dorsiflexion and eversion are ankle motions that oppose the mechanism of lateral ankle sprain, using the external focus method during balance training may be more effective in modifying these motions, thereby reducing the risk of ankle sprain.



We thank the Institute of Convergence Science of Yonsei University and the International Olympic Committee Research Centre Korea for Prevention of Injury and Protection Athlete Health.


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