Big Data Analytics for Social Responsibility of ESG: The Perspective of the Transport for Person with Disabilities

ESG 사회적책임 제고를 위한 빅데이터 분석: 장애인 콜택시 운영 효율성 관점

  • Received : 2023.05.11
  • Accepted : 2023.06.15
  • Published : 2023.06.30


Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyze big data related to DURIBAL from the operation of taxis reserved for the disabled to identify the issues and suggest solutions. ESG management should be translated into "environmental factors, social responsibilities, and transparent management." Therefore, the current study used Big Data analysis to analyze the factors affecting the standby of taxis reserved for the disabled and relevant problems for implications on convenience of social weak. Design/methodology/approach The analysis method used R, Excel, Power BI, QGIS, and SPSS. We proposed several suggestions included problems with managing cancellation data, minimization of dark data, needs to develop an integrated database for scattered data, and system upgrades for additional analysis. Findings The results showed that the total duration of standby was 34 minutes 29 seconds. The reasons for cancellation data were mostly use of other modes of transportation or delayed arrival. The study suggests development of an integrated database for scattered data. Finally, follow-up studies may discuss government-initiated big data analysis to comparatively analyze the use of taxis reserved for the disabled nationwide for new social value.



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