Data Visualization and Visual Data Analytics in ITSM

  • Donia Y. Badawood (Department of Information Systems, Umm Al-Qura University)
  • 투고 : 2023.06.05
  • 발행 : 2023.06.30


Nowadays, the power of data analytics in general and visual data analytics, in particular, have been proven to be an important area that would help development in any domain. Many well-known IT services best practices have touched on the importance of data analytics and visualization and what it can offer to information technology service management. Yet, little research exists that summarises what is already there and what can be done to utilise further the power of data analytics and visualization in this domain. This paper is divided into two main parts. First, a number of IT service management tools have been summarised with a focus on the data analytics and visualization features in each of them. Second, interviews with five senior IT managers have been conducted to further understand the usage of these features in their organisations and the barriers to fully benefit from them. It was found that the main barriers include a lack of good understanding of some visualization design principles, poor data quality, and limited application of the technology and shortage in data analytics and visualization expertise.



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