1. Introduction
Interpersonal conversation is an integral part of our daily activities, enabling us to make informed decisions and to acquire a better understanding of various social phenomena [1]. In recent years, we have seen the emergence of conversation agents, also commonly known as spoken dialog systems (SDS) or chatbots. These agents enable a human-like user-machine communication, responding to human utterances in natural language.
In general, conversation agents can be categorized into two classes. First, task-oriented agents are designed to assist users in accomplishing specific tasks or goals, e.g., restaurant bookings or airline seat reservations [2]. The utterances generated by such agents are typically short texts aimed at clarifying users’ requests. Popular examples include Siri, Cortana and Google Assistant. The second class of conversation agents are those not designed for any specific task. Instead, they are intended to engage in relatively longer “chit-chat”-like conversations with users. Chatbots constitute a classic example of such agents.
Conversation modeling is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) task concerned with developing models for generating a suitable response for a given user request. The basic premise of most models is that they take as input a user utterance x, and generate, as output, a response y, which maximizes the probability P(y | x). As can be expected, these models (e.g. [3] and [4]) perform well for individual utterances issued by the user. However, their performance degrades when generating any response requiring information from previous utterances, i.e., the context. The example in Table 1 illustrates the importance of the context in conversations. It can be seen that the context, i.e., previous utterances, is important for the model to understand “pro one” and “it”.
Table 1. Example of a short conversation between Bot and Customer
To use context for response generation, many researchers have sought to combine the previous utterances with the current utterance into the model e.g. [1, 2, 5-7]. Some studies have used previous utterances to generate current ones or have used reinforcement learning methods to keep track of the conversation’s history, such as [8]. These models compute the response y which maximizes P(y | x, c), where c is the context, comprised of a concatenation of previous utterances. However, concatenation of these previous utterances can result in long sequences, which have to be subsequently truncated as in [7]. Doing so could lead to relevant information being discarded.
Other models encode the entire context and current utterance in dense vectors via Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) as in [9]. Alternatively, separate dense vectors for the context and utterances are learned separately, respectively c and x. These are fed to the models individually. While dense vectors enable the models to access past information (context), they tend to emphasize more recent information in the context while giving marginally less importance to information that occurred several time steps in the past. This is a common issue with RNNs, even with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) [10] or Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) memory units, as reported in [11]. Recently, Large language models like BERT [12] and ChatGPT [13] are designed to understand language in context, which makes them very effective at a wide range of natural language processing tasks. These models are trained on vast amounts of text data, which allows them to learn and build a rich representation of the relationships between words and concepts.
Other approaches attempt to capture all previous utterances, like [11]. Each utterance is passed through RNNs [9]. Then, the context is saved in a dense vector. However, the model will gradually forget long past utterances when conversations become longer. Dealing with conversations as illustrated in Table 1 becomes challenging.
Our aim in this study is to address the aforementioned difficulties that arise when context is ignored in conversation models [3, 4]. Our work builds upon and extends recent studies, such as [1, 2, 5-7], which have explicitly attempted to incorporate context in the task of dialogue generation.
Similar to these studies, our model relies on an encoding of the context history. However, our main innovation lies in how the context is incorporated in the decoder, i.e., how we make the generator context-aware. The predominant approach in existing literature involves a sequence to sequence (Seq2Seq) [14] architecture, learning a joint representation of the current utterance and of the context at the encoder. The encoder’s final hidden state is subsequently used to initialize the decoder. The joint representation of context and current utterance can be realized by concatenation or (cosine) similarity. Various attention mechanisms [2, 5] are also employed to help the decoder determine which parts of the input (current) utterance to attend to. These studies are characterized by encoding the current utterance and its context at the same time on the same model. However, the current question (utterance) and its context exhibit different characteristics. Specifically, the context is clearly much longer than the current utterance and requires different treatment. Furthermore, the roles of the question (current utterance) and its context are also different in generating the response, which is another motivation for separating the question and context when feeding them into the decoder to generate the response. To address the issue of context history and based on the foregoing discussion, we propose a model with a new architecture to handle the current utterance and its context separately. To model the context, we will investigate two different deep learning architectures, LSTM and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). We combine the encoding results from the context with the current question, and then provide it to the generator to generate a response. In essence, the entire context is used to control the decoder when generating the response. Unlike most existing models, which take the whole conversation as input for the encoder, our proposed model distinguishes the role of the current question and its context in representation (encoding) and response generation. In particular, our model generates the response not only based on the current utterance but also considers all previous utterances. Our decoder is thus context-aware. In essence, we augment each current utterance with the entire context. Thus, this approach preserves the past conversation history.
For our key evidence, we show that our approach achieves strong performance on an open-domain corpus that we collected. This dataset contains general English conversations for teaching English to non-native speakers. In addition, we also evaluate our model on the standard ConvAI2 Dataset. It outperforms a strong baseline model based on a Seq2Seq architecture, similar at its core to that of [5]. Furthermore, we show that LSTM can capture the dependence on long sentences better than CNN. Our results confirm that LSTM based models do indeed capture longer dependencies. However, we also show that CNN based models tend to train faster and perform better on smaller datasets. We did not investigate bi-LSTM in our models as it is well-known that it is slower than the classical LSTM. We wanted a model that was fast to train and efficient at inference time. Also, we did not consider more complex models, such as BERT, as our aim was to have an accurate model without being excessively large (in terms of the number of parameters).
Moreover, we investigate the influence of word2vec pre-trained embedding on context model’s performance. Our results show that the LSTM Context model outperforms the baseline by 50.6%. Concerning the CNN Context model, it outperforms baseline 33.2% in BLEU 1 [15].
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: We talk about some related works in section 2. We show details of our models in section 3 and the datasets we used in section 4. We then evaluate our models and show the results in section 5. Finally, we state our conclusions in section 6.
2. Related Works
Conversation agents’ architectures generally fall into two broad classes: rule-based systems and corpus-based systems. Rule-based systems, ELIZA [16] and PARRY [17] for example, match the users’ message with rules and then transform the message into a response by those rules. These systems suffer from several well-known limitations. For instance, they are unable to answer questions that do not match any rules. Their answers tend to follow fixed formats and lack variation. Corpus-based systems mine conversations corpora of human-human or sometimes human-machine to build conversation models, which are then used to locate or generate suitable responses. Typical corpora used in past research include huge collections of Twitter conversations and movie dialogues, as described in [11].
Corpus-based systems adopt two main paradigms, namely information retrieval and machine learning. Information retrieval-based systems will respond to a user’s message m by searching in the corpus to find turn t which is the most similar to m, and then return the message found at turn t or the following message. Given a data set of the pair (𝑞𝑡, 𝑎𝑡) the model finds the answer to user's message m by measuring the similarity between m and 𝑞𝑡 to find the pair (𝑞𝑡, 𝑎𝑡) with the greatest similarity to m, 𝑞𝑡 and return 𝑎𝑡 (turn after t). Alternatively, it may measure the similarity between m and 𝑎𝑡 and return 𝑎𝑡 with the greatest similarity (turn t) [18, 19]. However, in the data there can be many pairs (𝑠, 𝑞𝑡) or (𝑠, 𝑎𝑡) with the greatest similarity. To address this issue, [20, 21] rely on other approaches such as statistical machine translation, filtering, and ranking to increase the accuracy of answer selection 𝑎t. However, information retrieval models can only answer the questions m contained in the dataset (with similarity above a certain threshold), and the answer will also be one contained in the dataset. While the chatbot needs to answer the user’s question, it must also reply on the chat history and the user profile.
Machine learning based systems respond to a user’s message by generating new response text after being trained on large corpora. A recent and popular approach is to train these systems end-to-end using neural network architectures, such as Seq2Seq [22-24] or GAN [25, 26]. This idea was first proposed by [17] using phrase-based machine translation to translate a user’s message into a system response. In recent years, deep reinforcement learning has garnered a lot of attention in NLP [27]. In chatbot systems, this approach suggested using a generation model in combination with a task-oriented model based on RL (reinforcement learning) to build a chatbot. This method results in more realistic conversations better at achieving task goals, as demonstrated by the experiments conducted [28]. Additionally, recent studies have focused on developing dialogue systems that track the conversation history to make better decisions for the following action or response selection, considering the user's goals and incorporating the dialogue history [8, 29].
Machine learning-based approaches for conversation models can be further divided into two categories: those that are context aware and those that are oblivious to context. The first category takes the context into account when generating the response, as opposed to the second category that ignores it. Examples of context-oblivious models include those proposed by [3, 4, 30]. In these models, the last utterance alone is used to generate the response. Some models incorporate additional information, such as such as syntax (c), topic (z) and speaker embedding. The main limitation of these models is that they tend to forget distant previous utterances, and thus may be unable to generate suitable responses that require this past context.
Most context-aware models concatenate the entire set of previous utterances and current utterance. This concatenated input is then fed to the model, as in [7] and [23]. While these modes do achieve reasonable performance, their main limitation is that, over time, the context size will increase. Subsequently, it will have to be cut off to fit the models’ input (vector size). This results in the discarding of important information, which may be critical in generating the response.
To capture longer context, [11] processes each utterance through an RNN. The context is encoded in a dense vector and is then used to decode the tokens when generating the response. The context is saved in a dense vector from the beginning of the conversation. When new utterances are created, they will be encoded into that same vector.
In a similar vein, [2] proposed a model consisting of two components, using a context encoder and a tagger. The former acts on utterances to produce a vector representation of the dialogue context. The latter then takes both the dialogue context encoding and the current utterance as input to generate an intent and slot annotations as outputs. They proposed three variants of the model, each adopting a different approach for representing context, e.g., using only the last utterance, using a softmax attention mechanism on the current and previous utterances, and using a specific sequential dialogue encoder network (SDEN) with temporal information. Their experimental evaluation was not focused on assessing the quality of the generated responses. Instead, they were concerned with performance during tasks including intent classification and slot filling. The best performance was achieved by the SDEN variant when working on several domain-specific crowdsourced datasets that covered covering movie ticket purchases and restaurants bookings.
Recently, BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), a neural network architecture based on transformer architecture designed to model data sequences like natural language text, has been rising in natural language processing [12]. BERT has been applied to various NLP tasks, such as machine translation [31, 32], language modeling [33], and chatbot [34]. Its training process utilizes next-sentence prediction to understand the relationship between two sentences, making it useful for question answering. Like BERT, ChatGPT is a language model designed to understand and process natural language. ChatGPT employs a transformer-based architecture that utilizes self-attention mechanisms and comprises several layers of transformers that can be fine-tuned for specific tasks. BERT and ChatGPT have also outperformed traditional neural network models for chatbot systems, particularly in terms of accuracy and naturalness of responses [34, 35].
Another study that proposes a context aware model is that of [5], which proposes two architectures to make the decoder context-aware. The first architecture concatenates the preceding user utterance to the current dialogue act (DA), before being fed to the encoder. Conversely, in the second architecture the hidden states of both the context and DA encoders are concatenated for initializing the decoder. Experimental evaluations performed on a domain-specific dataset concerning public transport showed that a combination of both approaches yielded a significant improvement in BLEU scores. These results were subsequently confirmed in a human pairwise preference test. However, only the last turn is used for context as opposed to the entire conversation history, resulting in potentially useful information being discarded.
Other studies that are tangentially related to ours include those of [6, 36, 37]. For instance, [6] proposed a model for generating a natural language dialog response when given a question, a corresponding dialog act and target semantic slots. The model of [36] attempts to predict hash tags based on conversation context. Study [37] addresses the problem of thread detection in conversations. The approach of encoding the context separately has been shown to improve upon the method of simply concatenating the context with the current utterance. However, utterances that occurred at a time step far back in the conversation will be forgotten by the model. Additionally, when new conversations are started, the generated responses will still be affected by the (context of) previous conversations. To address these issues, our proposed model innovates by taking the entire context into consideration at every turn when generating the response.
For a full review of the current state of the art in chatbots/conversation modeling, we refer the reader to [38]. Our model handles previous utterances and input separately so that our Context Model can handle longer history when capturing its main information. Besides the context associated with each input, the model will not be affected by the context of the previous conversation.
3. Proposed model
A conversation consists of multiple turns. We denote a conversation by 𝑛𝐶 turns 𝑇1, 𝑇2, … , 𝑇𝑛𝐶, where each turn 𝑘𝑡ℎ has 𝐼𝑘 words denoted by 𝑇𝑘 = {𝑤𝑘,1, 𝑤𝑘,2, …, 𝑤𝑘,𝐼𝑘}. Considering a conversation, suppose that 𝑇𝑖 is the current utterance and 𝑇𝑖+1 is its response, while {𝑇1, 𝑇2, … , 𝑇𝑖−1} is the context for generating 𝑇𝑖+1 from 𝑇𝑖. For the convenience of further use, we denote 𝑀 = 𝑇𝑖, 𝑅 = 𝑇𝑖+1 and 𝐶 = {𝑇1, 𝑇2, … , 𝑇𝑖−1}. For example, in Table 1 we have 5 turns. If current utterance is the 4𝑡ℎ turn in the conversation, then the last turn is its response and the three preceding turns are its context.
3.1 The baseline model
Before presenting our proposed model, we first present the baseline against which the performance of the proposed model will be assessed. The baseline we used is similar to the model [5]. At its core, the architecture is based on Seq2Seq [14], incorporating Bahdanau’s attention [39] mechanism. LSTM [10] are used both at the encoder and the decoder, with hidden size of 200. In this model all previous utterances and the current utterance are concatenated and then fed into the encoder. The input of the encoder will be the concatenation of all turns in the context C and the current utterance M. Then decoder uses the encoder’s result and attention to generate a response R (See Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Baseline model, all utterances are fed into encoder.
3.2 The proposed model
Our model is based on the Seq2Seq architecture [14], which is by far the most popular paradigm for conversation modeling and dialog generation employed in previous studies. It consists of 3 modules: Current utterance encoder, Context encoder and Response generator. A general overview of our models is shown in Fig. 2. The current utterance, M, will be encoded into ℎ𝑒 by the Current utterance encoder module. The context C will be encoded into ℎ𝐶 by the context encoder module. Finally, the Response generator module will use ℎ𝑒, ℎ𝐶 and Bahdanau’s attention mechanism [39] to generate the response R. We describe these modules in detail below.
Fig. 2. Context model overview: The current utterance goes though the Current utterance encoder module and the context goes though the Context encoder module. The Response generator module uses the results to generate the response.
3.2.1 The utterance encoder module
The utterance encoder module uses LSTM to encode the current utterance into a fixed length vector. We use this vector to initialize the weights for the generator module. We also apply Bahdanau’s attention [39] to the outputs of this module at the response generation stage.
Supposing that M has m words denoted as 𝑀 = {𝑤1, 𝑤2, … , 𝑤𝑚}, the LSTM will calculate input gate 𝑖𝑡, memory gate 𝑓𝑡, output gate 𝑜𝑡 and hidden state ℎ𝑡 at each time step t.
𝑖𝑡 = σ(𝑊𝑖𝑤𝑡 + 𝑉𝑖ℎ𝑡−1) (1)
𝑓𝑡 = σ(𝑊𝑓𝑤𝑡 + 𝑉𝑓ℎ𝑡−1) (2)
𝑜𝑡 = σ(𝑊𝑜𝑤𝑡 + 𝑉𝑜ℎ𝑡−1) (3)
𝑙𝑡 = tanh(𝑊𝑙𝑤𝑡 + 𝑉𝑙ℎ𝑡−1) (4)
where σ(⋅) is the sigmoid function. Then the unit computes 𝑐𝑡 and final output ℎ𝑡 is computed:
𝑐𝑡 = 𝑓𝑘 ⋅ 𝑐𝑡−1 + 𝑖𝑘 ⋅ 𝑙𝑘 (5)
ℎ𝑡 = 𝑜𝑘 ⋅ tanh(𝑐𝑘) (6)
We denote the ℎ𝑒 = ℎ𝑚 state, where ℎ𝑚 is the last hidden 𝑊𝑖,𝑓,𝑜,𝑙 ∈ 𝑅𝐷×𝐸, 𝑉𝑖,𝑓,𝑜,𝑙 ∈ 𝑅𝐷×𝐷, 𝑥𝑡 ∈ 𝑅𝐸×𝟙, E is embedding and D is hidden size. This module gives us states {ℎ1, ℎ2, …, ℎ𝑚} to calculate attention scores and the final state ℎ𝑒 used to initialize the weights for the response generator.
3.2.2 The context encoder module
The context encoder module extracts key information in the context C into feature vector ℎ𝐶. This module can be written in general form as (7), where the ContextEncoder function can be any feature extraction model such as LSTM, CNN, or BERT [12].
ℎ𝐶 = ContextEncoder(𝐶) (7)
In our experiments, we use LSTM and CNN as the context module to demonstrate the important role of context in response generation.
LSTM Context Encoder
We use LSTM for the context encoder module to encode the context C and get final output ℎ𝐶 using (6). Equation (7) can be written as (8):
ℎ𝐶 = LSTM(𝐶) (8)
CNN Context encoder
We use the CNN in context encoder module to extract the characteristics of the context sequence. So (7) can be written as (9). We use filter size 1, 2 and 3, which is equivalent to 1, 2, 3-gram in the language (see Fig. 3). For the last max pooling layer, we get a context vector ℎ𝐶. We can assume that this vector is equivalent meaning to ℎ𝐶 in LSTM above.
Fig. 3. CNN Context encoder module.
ℎ𝐶 = CNN(𝐶) (9)
The context encoder module provides ℎ𝐶 for the response generator module and uses as (10) to control the generator.
3.2.3 The response generator module
The response generator module uses ℎ𝑒, ℎ𝐶 and attention scores (see Fig. 4) to generate response R as (10). So, estimating the probability p in (10) will depend not only on M, which encoded to ℎ𝑒, but also on the context, which encoded into the ℎ𝐶 vector.
Fig. 4. The Context model, the current utterance is fed into the current utterance encoder module and the context is fed into the LSTM context encoder module.
𝑝(𝑅, θ) = ∏i=1𝑝( 𝑟𝑖 ∣ ℎ𝑒, [𝑟1, ℎ𝐶], [𝑟2, ℎ𝐶], … , [𝑟𝑖−1, ℎ𝐶], θ, 𝑐) (10)
where θ is the model’s parameters, c is attention Bahdanau scores, 𝑟𝑖 is decoder’s output at time step i, word 𝑖𝑡ℎ of response, [𝑟𝑖, ℎ𝐶] is concatenation of 𝑟𝑖 and ℎ𝐶 vector, decoding process stops when token is predicted. According to [40], concatenating two vectors gives better results than sum or average. As mentioned earlier, the main innovation of our model lies in proving the entire context at each timestep when generating the response. This enables the decoder to generate more meaningful responses as it has access to information from utterances much further back in time.
4. Dataset
4.1 The PersonaChat ConvAI2 Dataset
We perform our experiments on the PersonaChat ConvAI2 dataset [22], which has been used in the past for conversation models [41-43]. We generate training and testing data by taking the current utterances and their corresponding context (ignoring the persona information available from ConvAI2). This results in 17,878 dialogs for training and 1,000 dialogs for testing.
First, we process all dialogs to create the model’s inputs. With the baseline model, an input x will be a concatenation of current utterance M and its corresponding context C. With our proposed model, an input x will consist of two types of information C and M. The output y is the response R of M or next utterance. We refer to a pair x and y as a data point I.
More specifically, the PersonaChat ConvAI2 Dataset has many dialogs. Each dialog has many turns. In each turn the last history text will be considered the current utterance, while the rest of the history will be context. The last candidates will be output. For an example, we have 4 utterances [𝑡1, 𝑡2, 𝑡3, 𝑡4], and after reprocessing we have data points:
• 𝐼1 = [{NULL, 𝑡1}, 𝑡2]. This data point has no context (NULL) because it is the first turn and 𝑡1 is the current utterance, which will be fed to the current utterance encoder, while 𝑡2 is output y.
• 𝐼2 = [{𝑡1, 𝑡2}, 𝑡3]. In this data point 𝑡1 is context, 𝑡2 is current utterance and 𝑡3 is output y.
• 𝐼3 = [{𝑡1 + 𝑡2, 𝑡3}, 𝑡4]. In this data point 𝑡1 + 𝑡2 is context, 𝑡3 is current utterance and 𝑡4 is output y.
After reprocessing we have 244,998 data points for training and 14,602 data points for testing. Next, we change all inputs from natural language to sequence numbers which are fed into the neural network. In our experiments we use a self-training word embedding network and Word2Vec embedding.
4.2 Conversation collection data
In addition to the standard ConvAI2 dataset, we also created a new dataset by collecting conversations from books and videos teaching conversational English1 to non-native English speakers2. This data includes standard conversations about language, covering the most common conversation topics in communication from work to daily activities. Our collected dataset consists of 864 dialogs, which were preprocessed following the steps earlier for the ConvAI2 dataset. After pre-processing, the collected dataset was split into 6,710 data points for training and 2,237 data points for testing. Our aim in creating this dataset was twofold. First, it enabled us to investigate our model’s performance on a smaller dialog collection consisting of everyday conversations. Second, we believe that the dataset could be a useful resource for future research in conversation modeling.
Table 2 shows minimum, maximum, and average number of words per turn; minimum, maximum, and average number of words of context; and minimum, maximum, and average number of turns of context. We use these statistics to choose maximum sequence length in experiments.
Table 2. Datasets statistics.
5. Experiments
For comparing the performance of the baseline and of the proposed models, the models are tuned with the same hyper-parameters. Specifically, the learning rate is 10−3, and word embedding size is 300. The current utterance encoder module and the decoder (generator) module (see Fig. 2 and Fig. 3) are LSTM units, with a tanh activation function and a hidden vector size of 200. As mentioned earlier, we investigated two implementations of the context encoder, viz. LSTM and CNN. The configuration of the former is the same as that of the LSTM current utterance encoder. Concerning the CNN context encoder, we experiment with a window size of 1, 2 and 3, and set the number of filters to 128. All models are trained in 50 epochs. Our models are built based on Keras Tensorflow3.
To choose the maximum sequence’s length for the LSTM units, we rely on the descriptive statistics shown in Table 2 for the ConvAI2 dataset and our own dataset of daily conversations. Consequently, for the ConvAI2 dataset, the maximum sequence length for the current utterance encoder and decoder was 62, while that of the context encoder was 561. For our own dataset of conversations, the maximum sequence lengths were of 23 for both the current utterance encoder and decoder, and 280 for the context encoder.
Regarding the baseline model, since its input is a concatenation of the current utterance and the context, the maximum sequence length (of the encoder) was 623 (=561+62) for the ConvAI2 dataset and 303 (=280+23) for our collected dataset.
Following [3] and [44], we used BLEU [15] as our evaluation metric. Furthermore, according to [45], “BLEU correlates well with human quality judgments of generated conversational responses”.
As can be seen in Table 3 and Table 4, our proposed context-aware model outperforms the baseline model at all BLEU scores. Specifically, on the ConvAI2 dataset our model with an LSTM context encoder outperforms the baseline by 50.6% in BLEU 1. When using a CNN as context encoder, the performance is still better than the baseline, surpassing it by 33.2% in BLEU 1. The same behavior is observed on our collected dataset of conversation. Both of our model’s variants, i.e., with the LSTM and CNN context encoder, outperformed the baseline, respectively by 27.6% and by 48.3% respectively in BLEU 1. An interesting observation with this dataset is that our proposed model outperforms the baseline by relatively large margins in BLEU 2, 3 and 4. In other words, the baseline performs poorly on the collected dataset. This could be attributed to the small size of the data, resulting in inputs (concatenation of current utterance and context) not sufficiently long and meaningful to the baseline model. This observation also shows that our proposed model performs well on datasets of different sizes.
Table 3. Experiment result of ConvAI2 Dataset
Table 4. Experiment result of our collected dataset
Comparing our two variants, the LSTM vs. CNN context encoder, it can be seen that the former (LSTM) achieves stronger performance on the ConvAI2 dataset. A similar performance is observed on our collected dataset, except at BLEU 1 and BLEU 2 where the CNN encoder achieves better results. A plausible explanation could be that the small size of the dataset and evaluation at BLEU 1 and BLEU 2 penalizes the LSTM model, which usually requires longer sequences for updating its weights.
With regards to training time, we observe that our CNN context encoder model trains faster than its LSTM counterpart. The training times on the ConvAI2 dataset are 1 hour and 43 minutes for the baseline (current utterance concatenated with context), 43 minutes for the LSTM context encoder model and 28 min for the CNN context encoder model (running on the same machine). It should be noted that the LSTM context encoder model trains faster than the baseline as it is able to handle the current utterance and context in parallel and applies attention only to the encoder.
The model accuracy and loss in training and testing are shown in Fig. 5, Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. We can see that our models have better increment in accuracy of training and testing, and better decrement in loss of training and testing than baseline model.
Fig. 5. Baseline model accuracy and loss in training and testing on ConvAI dataset, left: model accuracy, right: model loss.
Fig. 6. LSTM context model accuracy and loss in training and testing on ConvAI dataset, left: model accuracy, right: model loss.
Fig. 7. CNN context model accuracy and loss in training and testing on ConvAI dataset, left: model accuracy, right: model loss.
Finally, instead of relying on the embedding layer of our model, we experimented with pre-trained word2vec embeddings (W2V)4. These embeddings are learned from Google News with a vocabulary size of around 3 million, and each embedding is of dimension 300. Results, depicted in Table 5, show that our proposed model (both LSTM and CNN context encoder) still outperforms the baseline. However, the BLEU scores did not improve. One reason could be that many words in the ConvAI2 dataset and in our collected conversation dataset did not have corresponding pre-trained embeddings, illustrating the well-known OOV problem. Our collected data has 164 OOV words, and the ConvAI2 dataset has 1808 OOV words.
Table 5. Experiment results using Word2Vec embedding in our model.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we have proposed a model using deep learning with a new architecture to solve the problem of using context for automatic response generation in chatbots. In our model a module is dedicated to context representation and encoding. Other parts of the proposed model are based on Seq2Seq architecture. Our experiments results show that the results of the proposed model on different BLEU measures perform better than the method in which we encode the current utterance and its context concurrently. We have implemented LSTM and CNN models for context encoding and the experimental results also show that using LSTM is better than using CNN when handling long contexts. In summary, we have proposed an efficient model for automatic response generation in chatbot problems and demonstrated that the separation of context from the current utterance during coding has improved the quality of the model.
We would like to express our gratitude to Professor Soundararajan Ezekiel from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA, for his valuable discussions, which significantly improved the quality of this paper. Furthermore, we would like to thank Ms. Katherine E. Regan for providing invaluable assistance in correcting the English writing of the article.
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