Numerical Modeling of Thermoshearing in Critically Stressed Rough Rock Fracture: DECOVALEX-2023 Task G

임계응력 하 거친 암석 균열의 Thermoshearing 수치모델링: 국제공동연구 DECOVALEX-2023 Task G

  • Received : 2023.06.19
  • Accepted : 2023.06.22
  • Published : 2023.06.30


In the present study, the thermoshearing experiment on a rough rock fracture were modeled using a three-dimensional grain-based distinct element model (GBDEM). The experiment was conducted by the Korea Institute of Construction Technology to investigate the progressive shear failure of fracture under the influence of thermal stress in a critical stress state. The numerical model employs an assembly of multiple polyhedral grains and their interfaces to represent the rock sample, and calculates the coupled thermo-mechanical behavior of the grains (blocks) and the interfaces (contacts) using 3DEC, a DEM code. The primary focus was on simulating the temperature evolution, generation of thermal stress, and shear and normal displacements of the fracture. Two fracture models, namely the mated fracture model and the unmated fracture model, were constructed based on the degree of surface matedness, and their respective behaviors were compared and analyzed. By leveraging the advantage of the DEM, the contact area between the fracture surfaces was continuously monitored during the simulation, enabling an examination of its influence on shear behavior. The numerical results demonstrated distinct differences depending on the degree of the surface matedness at the initial stage. In the mated fracture model, where the surfaces were in almost full contact, the characteristic stages of peak stress and residual stress commonly observed in shear behavior of natural rock joints were reasonably replicated, despite exhibiting discrepancies with the experimental results. The analysis of contact area variation over time confirmed that our numerical model effectively simulated the abrupt normal dilation and shear slip, stress softening phenomenon, and transition to the residual state that occur during the peak stress stage. The unmated fracture model, which closely resembled the experimental specimen, showed qualitative agreement with the experimental observations, including heat transfer characteristics, the progressive shear failure process induced by heating, and the increase in thermal stress. However, there were some mismatches between the numerical and experimental results regarding the onset of fracture slip and the magnitudes of fracture stress and displacement. This research was conducted as part of DECOVALEX-2023 Task G, and we expect the numerical model to be enhanced through continued collaboration with other research teams and validated in further studies.



The authors appreciate and thank the DECOVALEX-2023 Funding Organizations, Andra, BASE, BGE, BGR, CAS, CNSC, COVRA, US DOE, ENRESA, ENSI, JAEA, KAERI, NWMO, RWM, SURAO, SSM and Taipower for their financial and technical support of the work described in this paper. The statements made in the paper are, however, solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Funding Organizations. This research was supported by the Basic Research Project of the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (GP2020-010) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT, Korea.


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