Bare Wafer 세정용 1 MHz 급 메가소닉 개발

Development of a 1 MHz Megasonic for a Bare Wafer Cleaning

  • 김현세 (한국기계연구원 고효율에너지기계연구부) ;
  • 임의수 (한국기계연구원 고효율에너지기계연구부)
  • Hyunse Kim (Innovative Energy Machinery Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ;
  • Euisu Lim (Innovative Energy Machinery Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials)
  • 투고 : 2023.04.14
  • 심사 : 2023.06.21
  • 발행 : 2023.06.30


In semiconductor manufacturing processes, a cleaning process is important that can remove sub-micron particles. Conventional wet cleaning methods using chemical have limits in removing nano-particles. Thus, physical forces of a mechanical vibration up to 1 MHz frequency, was tried to aid in detaching them from the substrates. In this article, we developed a 1 MHz quartz megasonic for a bare wafer cleaning using finite element analysis. At first, a 1 MHz megasonic prototype was manufactured. Using the results, a main product which can improve a particle removal performance, was analyzed and designed. The maximum impedance frequency was 992 kHz, which agreed well with the experimental value of 986 kHz (0.6% error). Acoustic pressure distributions were measured, and the result showed that maximum / average was 400.0~432.4%, and standard deviation / average was 46.4~47.3%. Finally, submicron particles were deposited and cleaned for the assessment of the system performance. As a result, the particle removal efficiency (PRE) was proved to be 92% with 11 W power. Reflecting these results, the developed product might be used in the semiconductor cleaning process.



본 연구에 기여한 한국기계연구원 이양래 박사님에게 감사드립니다. 또한 본 연구는 한국에너지기술평가원 연구과제 (NE3740) 및 한국기계연구원 주요사업 (KN022B)의 지원으로 수행되었습니다.


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