The study was conducted in Manu-stream, located in Paju, Gyeonggi-do, from January 2021 to December 2021. The survey points were selected in the upper and lower streams based on where thermal discharged to investigate water temperature and fish species and biological community analysis and growth rate were analyzed. The average annual water temperature difference between the upper and lower stream is about 11.0℃, and in the case of the lower stream area, the water temperature is maintained at 20.0℃ or more per year. Fish that appeared during the survey period decreased lower stream compared to the upper stream, which is believed to be the result of a decrease in temperature-sensitive species as the simple riverbed structure and water temperature increased compared to the upper stream. As a result of biological community analysis, it showed a relatively stable community state at the upper stream. The growth rate of fish has a high regression coefficient b value in lower streams throughout the four seasons. It showed relatively good growth lower stream, with a high water temperature. However, the results of each survey point are similar from season to season. The indicator species is a resistant intermediate species, and the range of resistance to water temperature is wide, so it is judged that water temperature's effect on the indicator species' growth is low.