Characteristics of artficially cultivated Ganoderma applanatum fruitingbody

  • Woo-Sik Jo (Gyeongbuk Province Agricultural Technology Administration) ;
  • Soon-Hwa Bae (Gyeongbuk Province Agricultural Technology Administration) ;
  • Young-Bok Yoo (Mushroom Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration)
  • 투고 : 2023.05.23
  • 심사 : 2023.06.26
  • 발행 : 2023.06.30


Ganoderma applanatum is one of the most popular medicinal mushrooms due to the various biologically active components it produces. In order to study for the possibility of artificially cultivating G. applanatum, we investigated the growth status of G. applanatum mycelium using oak sawdust bottle(850 ml). It took approximately 17~27 days for G. applanatum cultivation and 15~16 days for G. lucidum cultivation with sawdust until the mycelial growth was complete. The weight of dried fruiting bodies showed that G. applanatum GBGA-01 weighed 16.0±7.4 g, and G. lucidum ASI 7125 weighed 7.9±2.7g. The thickness of the pileus was measured as 10.6±2.6 mm for G. applanatum GBGA-01, 16.3±8.7 mm for G. applanatum ASI 52823 and 8.6±3.5 mm for G. lucidum ASI 7125. The color of Ganoderma spp. showed that L degree was 55.5±1.1 for the contex of G. applanatum GBGA-01, 47.7±2.2 for the contex of G. applanatum ASI 52823 and 39.6±2.9 for the contex of G. lucidum ASI 7125.



This study was conducted with the support of National Joint Agricultural Research Project of the RDA(Project No. 20080301-030-034-001-05-00), Republic of Korea.


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