The influence of the perceived value of product pages information of online tea shop on consumers' purchase intention

  • Dongxu ZHANG (College of Management, Xi'an University of Finance and Economics) ;
  • Wenyuan HU (College of Business Administration, Henan Finance University) ;
  • Na ZHENG (College of Business Administration, Henan Finance University) ;
  • Zhi QIAO (College of Business Administration, Henan Finance University)
  • Received : 2023.03.23
  • Accepted : 2023.06.20
  • Published : 2023.06.30


Nowadays, with the development of the internet and e-commerce, opening tea shops online has become an increasing choice for selling tea. However, the product page information of many online tea shops cannot effectively attract consumers, resulting in their profits being compromised. To investigate this, we conducted this paper and hope to provide effective suggestions. This paper is based on 229 questionnaires and selects the product page information of online tea shops as the research object. Using the four dimensions of perceived value theory as independent variables with consumer purchase intention as the dependent variable. A structural equation model was constructed to analyze the role of the perceived value of product page information in online tea shops how influencing consumers' purchase intentions. It was found that information on the perceived functional value of online tea shops did not have a significant positive effect on consumer purchase intentions. However, information on the perceived monetary value, perceived social value, and perceived emotional value of online tea shops had a significant positive impact on consumers' purchase intentions. Based on the above conclusions, online tea shops should focus on the expression of product page information to enhance the level of consumers' perceived value of tea products, thereby enhancing their intention to purchase tea products.



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