이 논문은 2023학년도 제주대학교 교원성과지원사업에 의하여 연구되었음. 이 논문의 도면 자료 활용에 협조해주신 안양문화예술재단(김중업건축박물관)에 깊이 감사드립니다.
- Archiworld (1999). Kim Chung-up, Pro Architect(PA), No.1, 18, 144~145
- Jedaeshinbo (1961, December 20). The National Promotion of Our University - Addition of Recruitment Quota from New Year(본 대학 국립승격 확정-신년도부터 모집정원도 증설). Jedaeshinbo, 1
- Jedaeshinbo (1963, March 25). Architectural design of libraries, etc. and construction of buildings of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry in early May(도서관 등 건축 설계, 이농학부건물 5월초 착공). Jedaeshinbo, 1
- Jedaeshinbo (1964a, February 25). a complete transfer of the Faculty of Agriculture(이농학부 완전 이전). Jedaeshinbo, 1
- Jedaeshinbo (1964b, November 27). a perspective view of the main building under construction(신축중인 본관 투시도). Jedaeshinbo, 2
- Jedaeshinbo (1965, October 27). a completing campus(면모를 갖추는 캠퍼스). Jedaeshinbo, 1
- Jedaeshinbo (1967, February 28). Relocation to the new main building of the affiliated library and administrative departments on February 2(신축본관으로 이전 - 2일 부속도서관 및 각행정과 등). Jedaeshinbo, 3
- Jung, H. S. (1994, December). Safety Report of the Former Jeju University Main Building. The Architectural Institute of Korea, 16
- Jung, I. H. (2003). Kim Chung-up Architecture Thiory. Spacetime, 56, 109, 100, 110, 111, 112, 113, 139~140, 149~150
- Kim, S. C. (1988). An eternal challenge, SPACE, No.59, 37~39
- Kim, T. I. (2018). Jeju Modern Architecture Walk. Ruach, 268
- Kyunghyang Shinmoon (1985, january 22). Shapes the leap of youth's dreams (젋음이의꿈 펼칠"비약의 몸짓"을 형상화). The Kyunghyang Shinmoon, 12098
- National Institute of Korean Language(n.d.). Standard Korean Dictionary. https://stdict.korean.go.kr
- SPACE(1967). Yearbook of works, SPACE, No.5, 21
- Yi, Y. K. (2022). The Conventional and Regional Architecture Features of Kim Chung-up's Work in the 1960s at Jeju National University, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea 38(8), 147~158