Determinant of parasite clearance and density on uncomplicated falciparum malaria infections in malaria-endemic area of Lampung Province, Indonesia

  • Jhons Fatriyadi Suwandi (Program Study of Clinical Parasitology Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia) ;
  • Agnes Kurniawan (Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia) ;
  • Lisawati Susanto (Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia)
  • 투고 : 2022.07.03
  • 심사 : 2023.03.13
  • 발행 : 2023.05.31


Lampung is a malaria-endemic region in Indonesia with an annual parasite incidence of 0.06 per 1,000 population. The socio-demographic factors, clinical conditions, and artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) types might affect parasite clearance and parasite density. This study aims to investigate factors that influence parasite clearance and parasite density in malaria patients. A retrospective analytic observational and a cross-sectional approach was used to conduct this study. A total of 66 malaria patients were examined to investigate parasite density and clearance, socio-demographic profiles, clinical conditions, and ACT types. To analyze data, univariate, bivariate, and multivariate tests were used. Age (P=0.045; r=0.238) and ACT type (P=0.021; r=0.273) were the only variables that had a significant correlation with parasite clearance. Age (P=0.003; r=0.345) had a significant correlation with parasite density. The most influential factors related to parasite clearance were the ACT type (dihydroartemisinin piperaquine) (P=0.017; odds ratio (OR) 0.109; 95.0% confidence interval (CI), 0.018-0.675) and age (P=0.030; OR 0.132; 95.0% CI, 0.021-0.823). Age (P=0.046; OR 0.320; 0.105-0.978, 95.0% CI) was the most significant variable associated with parasite density.



The authors are grateful to Prof. dr. Supargiyono, DTM&H., SU.,PhD., Sp.Par.K; Prof. drh. Widya Asmara, SU., PhD; Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto, SU., Dr.PH. The authors are also grateful to the Government and Health Office of the Pesawaran District, Hanura Health Center, and all the participants, who participated in this study.


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