A comparative analysis of seismic and structural parameters for historical period earthquakes in Türkiye

  • Ercan Isik (Department of Civil Engineering, Bitlis Eren University)
  • 투고 : 2023.02.12
  • 심사 : 2023.04.25
  • 발행 : 2023.05.25


The high seismic risk has once again revealed in Türkiye with two major earthquakes that occurred on 06.02.2023, which took its place among the most destructive earthquakes in the last century. Totally, 65 earthquakes that occurred in the historical period in Türkiye were taken into account within the scope of this study. The seismic parameters were compared by considering the last two earthquake hazard maps for the epicenters of these earthquakes. Earthquake Intensity (I) of historical earthquakes were converted to Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) by using suggested relations. Structural analyzes were performed for a sample reinforced-concrete building by using the obtained PGA's and predicted PGA's in the last two earthquake hazard maps. In the structural analysis, two different material groups such as low (C12-S220) and normal (C25-S420) were selected. As the material strength increased, the period value decreased, while the seismic capacity and stiffness increased. It has been determined that there are differences between the measured and proposed seismic risks for some earthquakes, and as a result, there are significant differences between the expected target displacement values from the structures. Therefore, it will not be possible to estimate the damage and to determine the building performance realistically. The main purpose of the study is to reveal whether the earthquake risk is adequately represented on seismic and structural parameters.



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