A Study on Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of Influencer Advertising

  • Chanuk Park (Cultural Industry Research Center, Korea Culture & Tourism Institute) ;
  • Sin-Bok Lee (Business Administration, Nazarene University) ;
  • Do-Eui Kim (Business Administration, Sogang University)
  • 투고 : 2023.03.02
  • 심사 : 2023.03.10
  • 발행 : 2023.06.30


Influencer advertising, which has gained significant attention in academia and industry, is widely adopted as a digital marketing strategy. This study empirically analyzes the impact of perceived influencer channel attributes and ad attributes on the suitability of advertisements and their effects on consumers' positive and negative advertising behaviors. The research aims to identify various factors that can enhance the effectiveness of influencer advertising. The results reveal that among the influencer channel attributes, informativeness and intimacy have a positive impact on ad suitability, while ad clutter has a negative impact. Additionally, ad-influencer fit positively affect ad attention and negatively influences ad avoidance. Based on these findings, companies can enhance the effectiveness of influencer advertising by first selecting influencers who align well with the advertisement and emphasizing informativeness and emotional bonding to improve ad suitability. Moreover, the study suggests that influencer advertising strategies can be effective as long as they avoid excessive ad clutter, as it diminishes ad suitability. Marketing practitioners and advertising planners can utilize these insights to formulate more effective influencer advertising strategies.



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