Empirical seismic vulnerability probability prediction model of RC structures considering historical field observation

  • Si-Qi Li (School of Civil Engineering, Heilongjiang University) ;
  • Hong-Bo Liu (School of Civil Engineering, Heilongjiang University) ;
  • Ke Du (School of Civil Engineering, Heilongjiang University) ;
  • Jia-Cheng Han (School of Civil Engineering, Heilongjiang University) ;
  • Yi-Ru Li (School of Civil Engineering, Heilongjiang University) ;
  • Li-Hui Yin (School of Civil Engineering, Heilongjiang University)
  • 투고 : 2022.07.12
  • 심사 : 2023.04.17
  • 발행 : 2023.05.25


To deeply probe the actual earthquake level and fragility of typical reinforced concrete (RC) structures under multiple intensity grades, considering diachronic measurement building stock samples and actual observations of representative catastrophic earth shocks in China from 1990 to 2010, RC structures were divided into traditional RC structures (TRCs) and bottom reinforced concrete frame seismic wall masonry (BFM) structures, and the empirical damage characteristics and mechanisms were analysed. A great deal of statistics and induction were developed on the historical experience investigation data of 59 typical catastrophic earthquakes in 9 provinces of China. The database and fragility matrix prediction model were established with TRCs of 4,122.5284×104 m2 and 5,844 buildings and BFMs of 5,872 buildings as empirical seismic damage samples. By employing the methods of structural damage probability and statistics, nonlinear prediction of seismic vulnerability, and numerical and applied functional analysis, the comparison matrix of actual fragility probability prediction of TRC and BFM in multiple intensity regions under the latest version of China's macrointensity standard was established. A novel nonlinear regression prediction model of seismic vulnerability was proposed, and prediction models considering the seismic damage ratio and transcendental probability parameters were constructed. The time-varying vulnerability comparative model of the sample database was developed according to the different periods of multiple earthquakes. The new calculation method of the average fragility prediction index (AFPI) matrix parameter model has been proposed to predict the seismic fragility of an areal RC structure.



This study's seismic sample data and pictures of structural earthquake damage observations were derived from the Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration. This study was supported by the Basic Scientific Research Business Expenses of Provincial Universities and Colleges in Heilongjiang Province (2022-KYYWF-1056 and 2021-KYYWF-0013) and a project funded by Heilongjiang Postdoctoral Science Foundation (LBH-Z22294), China.


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