DXA 골밀도 검사에서 방사선사가 인식하고 있어야 할 Pitfall

The Pitfalls Medical Radiological Technologists should Consider in Bone Densitometry

  • 김호성 (신한대학교 방사선학과)
  • Ho-Sung Kim (Department of Radiological Science, Shinhan University)
  • 발행 : 2023.05.20


Bone densitometry is a disease in which bones are easily broken due to metabolic bone disease, and DXA is used as a clinical standard test. Although DXA is a good method with good accuracy and reproducibility, it is frequently subject to test errors in testing and result analysis and analysis. Therefore, it is important to recognize the error issues that radiologists should basically be aware of when performing bone density tests, prevent erroneous diagnoses and treatments resulting from the results, and reduce the unnecessary costs associated with them. aim. The inspection must be carried out if the quality control of the equipment is basically continuously performed well before the inspection. Before starting the examination, the patient's age, sex, race, weight, pregnancy status, and any foreign objects that can be removed should be checked, and the examination should be performed in the correct posture. In addition, it is important to analyze results consistently. Radiologists, who play the most important role in ensuring accurate examinations, need to be aware of the potential for errors in advance and develop the ability to deal with the potential for errors in each examination. For that reason, regular education is considered essential.



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