Assessment of neutron-induced activation of irradiated samples in a research reactor

  • 투고 : 2022.07.19
  • 심사 : 2022.11.08
  • 발행 : 2023.03.25


The combination of MCNP6 and the FISPACT codes was used to predict inventories of radioisotopes produced by neutron exposure of a sample in a research reactor. The detailed MCNP6 model of the Budapest Research Reactor and the specific irradiation geometry of the NAA channel was established, while realistic material cards were specified based on concentrations measured by PGAA and NAA, considering the precursor elements of all significant radioisotopes. The energy- and spatial distributions of the neutron field calculated by MCNP6 were transferred to FISPACT, and the resulting activities were validated against those measured using neutron-irradiated small and bulky targets. This approach is general enough to handle different target materials, shapes, and irradiation conditions. A general agreement within 10% has been achieved. Moreover, the method can also be made applicable to predict the activation properties of the near-vessel concrete of existing nuclear installations or assist in the optimal construction of new nuclear power plant units.



This work was part of the V4-Korea RADCON Project (No. 127102) and received support from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary, financed under the NN_17 funding scheme. We thank the financial contribution of the TOURR project (Euratom research and training programme 2019-2020, grant agreement No. 945269). We also acknowledge the valuable collaboration with Peter Juhasz, David Hajdu and Viktoria Sugar, Gabor Patriskov, Tamas Bozso, as well as with the EMI Non-profit Llc.


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