TinyML Gamma Radiation Classifier

  • Moez Altayeb (The Abdus Salam International Centre For Theoretical Physics, ICTP) ;
  • Marco Zennaro (The Abdus Salam International Centre For Theoretical Physics, ICTP) ;
  • Ermanno Pietrosemoli (The Abdus Salam International Centre For Theoretical Physics, ICTP)
  • 투고 : 2022.05.09
  • 심사 : 2022.09.28
  • 발행 : 2023.02.25


Machine Learning has introduced many solutions in data science, but its application in IoT faces significant challenges, due to the limitations in memory size and processing capability of constrained devices. In this paper we design an automatic gamma radiation detection and identification embedded system that exploits the power of TinyML in a SiPM micro radiation sensor leveraging the Edge Impulse platform. The model is trained using real gamma source data enhanced by software augmentation algorithms. Tests show high accuracy in real time processing. This design has promising applications in general-purpose radiation detection and identification, nuclear safety, medical diagnosis and it is also amenable for deployment in small satellites.



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