Assessment of lactic acid bacteria isolated from the chicken digestive tract for potential use as poultry probiotics

  • Merisa Sirisopapong (School of Animal Technology and Innovation, Institute of Agricultural Technology, Suranaree University of Technology) ;
  • Takeshi Shimosato (Department of Biomolecular Innovation, Institute for Biomedical Sciences, Shinshu University) ;
  • Supattra Okrathok (School of Animal Technology and Innovation, Institute of Agricultural Technology, Suranaree University of Technology) ;
  • Sutisa Khempaka (School of Animal Technology and Innovation, Institute of Agricultural Technology, Suranaree University of Technology)
  • Received : 2022.12.02
  • Accepted : 2023.03.20
  • Published : 2023.08.01


Objective: The use of probiotics as an alternative to antibiotics in animal feed has received considerable attention in recent decades. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have remarkable functional properties promoting host health and are major microorganisms for probiotic purposes. The aim of this study was to characterize LAB strains of the chicken digestive tract and to determine their functional properties for further use as potential probiotics in poultry. Methods: A total of 2,000 colonies were isolated from the ileum and cecal contents of the chickens based on their phenotypic profiles and followed by a preliminary detection for acid and bile tolerance. The selected 200 LAB isolates with exhibited well-tolerance in acid and bile conditions were then identified by sequencing the 16S rDNA gene, followed by acid and bile tolerance, antimicrobial activity, adhesion to epithelial cells and additional characteristics on the removal of cholesterol. Then, the two probiotic strains (L. ingluviei and L. salivarious) which showed the greatest advantage in vitro testing were selected to assess their efficacy in broiler chickens. Results: It was found that 200 LAB isolates that complied with all measurement criteria belonged to five strains, including L. acidophilus (63 colonies), L. ingluviei (2 colonies), L. reuteri (58 colonies), L. salivarius (72 colonies), and L. saerimneri (5 colonies). We found that the L. ingluviei and L. salivarius can increase the population of LAB and Bifidobacterium spp. while reducing Enterobacteria spp. and Escherichia coli in the cecal content of chickens. Additionally, increased concentrations of valeric acid and short chain fatty acids were also observed. Conclusion: This study indicates that all five Lactobacillus strains isolated from gut contents of chickens are safe and possess probiotic properties, especially L. ingluviei and L. salivarius. Future studies should evaluate the potential for growth improvement in broilers.



The authors would like to thank the Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D. (RGJ-PHD) Program (grant number PHD/0105/2558), Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI), Thailand. We would also like to thank Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), National Science, Research and Innovation Fund (NSRF), and the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) (SUT3-303-59-12-07) for their financial support.


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