Characterization of physiochemical and nutrient profiles in canola feedstocks and co-products from bio-oil processing: impacted by source origin

  • Alessandra M. R. C. B. de Oliveira (Department of Animal and Poultry Science, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan) ;
  • Peiqiang Yu (Department of Animal and Poultry Science, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan)
  • 투고 : 2022.10.28
  • 심사 : 2023.01.26
  • 발행 : 2023.07.01


Objective: The objective of this study was to characterize physiochemical and nutrient profiles of feedstock and co-products from canola bio-oil processing that were impacted by source origin. The feedstocks and co-products (mash, pellet) were randomly collected from five different bio-oil processing plants with five different batches of samples in each bio-processing plant in Canada (CA) and China (CH). Methods: The detailed chemical composition, energy profile, total digestible nutrient (TDN), protein and carbohydrate subfractions, and their degradation and digestion (CNCPS6.5) were determined. Results: The results showed that TDN1x was similar in meals between CA and CH. CH meals and feedstock had higher, truly digestible crude protein (tdCP) and neutral detergent fiber (tdNDF) than CA while CA had higher truly digestible non-fiber carbohydrate (tdNFC). The metabolizable energy (ME3x), net energy (NELp3x, NEm3x, and NEg3x) were similar in meals between CA and CH. No differences were observed in energy profile of seeds between CA and CH. The protein and carbohydrate subfractions of seeds within CH were similar. The results also showed that pelleting of meals affected protein sub-fractionation of CA meals, except rapidly degradable fractions (PB1), rumen degradable (RDPB1) and undegrdable PB1 (RUPB1), and intestinal digestible PB1 (DIGPB1). Canola meals were different in the soluble (PA2) and slowly degradable fractions (PB2) between CA and CH. The carbohydrate fractions of intermediately degradable fraction (CB2), slowly degradable fraction (CB3), and undegradable fraction (CC) were different among CH meals. CH presented higher soluble carbohydrate (CA4) and lower CB2, and CC than CA meals. Conclusion: The results indicated that although the seeds were similar within and between CA and CH, either oil-extraction process or meal pelleting seemed to have generated significantly different aspects in physiochemical and nutrient profiles in the meals. Nutritionists and producers need to regularly check nutritional value of meal mash and pellets for precision feeding.



The authors would like to thank Brittany Dyck and Qin Guoqin (Canola Council of Canada) and Xuewei Zhang (Tianjing Agricultural University) for help sampling canola seed and canola meal in various crushers in Canada and China, Denise Beaulieu and Rex Newkirk for being in advisory committee, and Z. Niu (Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Saskatchewan) for technical assistance. The authors would like to acknowledge the University of Saskatchewan, the Rainer Dairy Research Facility, and Alexander Malcolm Shaw Memorial Graduate Scholarship (to AO). This article is part of student graduate thesis and made journal revisions.


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