Intelligent System for the Prediction of Heart Diseases Using Machine Learning Algorithms with Anew Mixed Feature Creation (MFC) technique

  • 투고 : 2023.05.05
  • 발행 : 2023.05.30


Classification systems can significantly assist the medical sector by allowing for the precise and quick diagnosis of diseases. As a result, both doctors and patients will save time. A possible way for identifying risk variables is to use machine learning algorithms. Non-surgical technologies, such as machine learning, are trustworthy and effective in categorizing healthy and heart-disease patients, and they save time and effort. The goal of this study is to create a medical intelligent decision support system based on machine learning for the diagnosis of heart disease. We have used a mixed feature creation (MFC) technique to generate new features from the UCI Cleveland Cardiology dataset. We select the most suitable features by using Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO), Recursive Feature Elimination with Random Forest feature selection (RFE-RF) and the best features of both LASSO RFE-RF (BLR) techniques. Cross-validated and grid-search methods are used to optimize the parameters of the estimator used in applying these algorithms. and classifier performance assessment metrics including classification accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, precision, and F1-Score, of each classification model, along with execution time and RMSE the results are presented independently for comparison. Our proposed work finds the best potential outcome across all available prediction models and improves the system's performance, allowing physicians to diagnose heart patients more accurately.



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