Occurrence in Korea of Rust Disease on Tilia mandshurica Caused by Pucciniastrum tiliae

  • Jae Sung Lee (Department of Biological Science, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Ji Hyun Park (Department of Forestry, Environment, and Systems, Kookmin University) ;
  • Young Joon Choi (Department of Biological Science, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Hyeon Dong Shin (Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University)
  • 투고 : 2023.01.03
  • 심사 : 2023.03.21
  • 발행 : 2023.03.31


Tilia mandshurica trees with rust symptoms have consistently been noticed during disease surveys in Korea since 2006. Based on the morphological examination and molecular sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer and large subunit of ribosomal DNA, Pucciniastrum tiliae was identified as the causal fungus of rust disease. This is the first report of P. tiliae infection on T. mandshurica in Korea.



This work was supported by the National Academy of Agricultural Science grant (PJ014956) from the Rural Development Administration, Korea.


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