Gratitude and sympathy are the first steps to healing: focusing on Hope World Song (希望世上歌)

  • Kyung Ja Ko (Department of Pharmacology, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Hyun-Yong Cho (Korean Language Education, Kyung Hee University)
  • 투고 : 2023.05.09
  • 심사 : 2023.05.31
  • 발행 : 2023.05.31


The purpose of this study is to suggest that activities consisting of sympathy and gratitude are the way to healing. In our team's Hope World (希望世上), we changed the lyrics of GunbamTaryeong, which Koreans know the most, to create a healing Taryeong. The iterative refrain changed to "It's nice, it's hope, it's a good world for everyone." "The Wind Blows, Spring Has Come, The Moon Is Bright" will be the beginning of each chapter in GunbamTaryeong. It looks like a bright lyric, but it also shows both sides. All members participated in changing the lyrics, harmonizing the lyrics and rhythm, preparing props, playing musical instruments, and exciting performances. Therefore, it can be said that it is the story of healing where everyone is together. The song of Hope World is a real Taryeong that heals those who plan together, sing together, play musical instruments together. It's a "hope-Taryeong (希望打令)" who dreams of a "everyone good world." It's a Taryeong that lingers in my mouth and comes to mind. In this way, activities consisting of mutual cooperation and love doubled gratitude and sympathy for each other, and we think healing was achieved in the process. In this study, we suggest that sympathy and gratitude are perhaps the first steps towards healing. The Hope World Song (希望世上歌) is available on our channel YouTube (



The authors thank the contributors to YouTube production by field: sing a song: Kyung Ja Ko, Hyun Yong Cho. Djembe: Chang Keun Kim. Janggu (hourglass drum): Seo Hyun Park. Jing (large gong): Young Hee Tak. Buk (barrel shaped drum): Hyun Yong Cho, Soo Ran Park. Haegeum and video: Hyung Min Kim. Kkeanggwari: Kyung Ja Ko. a fan dance: Seo Hyun Park, Chang Keun Kim, Hyun Yong Cho, Soo Ran Park, Young Hee Tak, Kyung Ja Ko.


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