Multi-Obfuscation Approach for Preserving Privacy in Smart Transportation

  • Sami S. Albouq (Department of Computer Science, Islamic University of Madinah) ;
  • Adnan Ani Sen (Department of Computer Science, Islamic University of Madinah) ;
  • Nabile Almoshfi (Department of Computer Science, Aljouf University) ;
  • Mohammad Bin Sedeq (Department of Computer Science, Islamic University of Madinah) ;
  • Nour Bahbouth (Department of Computer Science, Islamic University of Madinah)
  • 투고 : 2023.04.05
  • 발행 : 2023.04.30


These days, protecting location privacy has become essential and really challenging, especially protecting it from smart applications and services that rely on Location-Based Services (LBS). As the technology and the services that are based on it are developed, the capability and the experience of the attackers are increased. Therefore, the traditional protection ways cannot be enough and are unable to fully ensure and preserve privacy. Previously, a hybrid approach to privacy has been introduced. It used an obfuscation technique, called Double-Obfuscation Approach (DOA), to improve the privacy level. However, this approach has some weaknesses. The most important ones are the fog nodes that have been overloaded due to the number of communications. It is also unable to prevent the Tracking and Identification attacks in the Mix-Zone technique. For these reasons, this paper introduces a developed and enhanced approach, called Multi-Obfuscation Approach (MOA that mainly depends on the communication between neighboring fog nodes to overcome the drawbacks of the previous approach. As a result, this will increase the resistance to new kinds of attacks and enhance processing. Meanwhile, this approach will increase the level of the users' privacy and their locations protection. To do so, a big enough memory is needed on the users' sides, which already is available these days on their devices. The simulation and the comparison prove that the new approach (MOA) exceeds the DOA in many Standards for privacy protection approaches.



This work has been supported by Islamic University of Madina grant Takamul-109. Any opinion, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of supported by the Islamic University in Medina or other research sponsors.


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