류성룡(柳成龍) 저술 『침경요결(鍼經要訣)』의 전승 연구

A study on transmission of Chimgyeongyogyeol by Ryu, Seong-ryong

  • 朴薰平 (東新大學校 韓醫科大學 原典醫史學敎室)
  • Park Hun-pyeong (Dept. of Korean Medical history & Korean Medical Classics, College of Korean Medicine, Dongshin University)
  • 투고 : 2023.04.20
  • 심사 : 2023.05.11
  • 발행 : 2023.05.25


Objectives : In this paper, the characteristics and significance of Chimgyeongyogyeol (=Chimguyogyeol) were analyzed. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to examine which books were based on the origin of the medical knowledge enjoyed by Ryu, Seongryong at the time. Methods : The bibliography of each transmitted version of Chimgyeongyogyeol is considered, then the items are compared, and finally, the citations of the relevant contents are examined. Cited literature was analyzed by item, and sources were identified where the contents were cited. Results : 1. Chimgyeongyogyeol was published three times. 2. At present, it is not known which tradition text is the oldest. The transmission relationship between several transmission versions is not clear. 3. Chimgyeongyogyeol was written with reference to various other medical books, centered on Uihagibmun. 4. There is no information about 'Choose a day to perform acupuncture' and 'Zaoyuju acupuncture', which were widely popular in Joseon at the time. This reflects the purpose of writing to convey medical knowledge to the general public. Conclusions : Chimgyeongyogyeol was an acupuncture book written for the purpose of conveying medical knowledge to the common people by reflecting the latest medical achievements in China. Through this, the knowledge of acupuncture enjoyed by the author and what he aimed for through it were confirmed. However, it was impossible to completely compose the system of the first draft only with the extant version.



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