Genetic algorithm-based geometric and reinforcement limits for cost effective design of RC cantilever retaining walls

  • Mansoor Shakeel (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology) ;
  • Rizwan Azam (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology) ;
  • Muhammad R. Riaz (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology)
  • 투고 : 2022.01.15
  • 심사 : 2023.03.27
  • 발행 : 2023.05.10


The optimization of reinforced concrete (RC) cantilever retaining walls is a complex problem and requires the use of advanced techniques like metaheuristic algorithms. For this purpose, an optimization model must first be developed, which involves mathematical complications, multidisciplinary knowledge, and programming skills. This task has proven to be too arduous and has halted the mainstream acceptance of optimization. Therefore, it is necessary to unravel the complications of optimization into an easily applicable form. Currently, the most commonly used method for designing retaining walls is by following the proportioning limits provided by the ACI handbook. However, these limits, derived manually, are not verified by any optimization technique. There is a need to validate or modify these limits, using optimization algorithms to consider them as optimal limits. Therefore, this study aims to propose updated proportioning limits for the economical design of a RC cantilever retaining wall through a comprehensive parametric investigation using the genetic algorithm (GA). Multiple simulations are run to examine various design parameters, and trends are drawn to determine effective ranges. The optimal limits are derived for 5 geometric and 3 reinforcement variables and validated by comparison with their predecessor, ACI's preliminary proportioning limits. The results indicate close proximity between the optimized and code-provided ranges; however, the use of optimal limits can lead to additional cost optimization. Modifications to achieve further optimization are also discussed. Besides the geometric variables, other design parameters not covered by the ACI building code, like reinforcement ratios, bar diameters, and material strengths, and their effects on cost optimization, are also discussed. The findings of this investigation can be used by experienced engineers to refine their designs, without delving into the complexities of optimization.



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