Prevalence and risk factors of developmental disabilities among preschool children in the Arab world: a narrative literature review

  • Omar H. Almahmoud (Faculty of Nursing, University of Jordan.Nursing Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Nursing and Health Profession College, Birzeit University) ;
  • Lubna Abushaikha (Faculty of Nursing, University of Jordan)
  • Received : 2022.09.27
  • Accepted : 2022.11.22
  • Published : 2023.04.30


Purpose: Developmental disabilities (DDs) are a global childhood problem whose prevalence is rising, with a disproportionate impact on individuals in low-and middle-income countries. However, data on the prevalence of DDs in the Arab world are limited. This review highlights what is currently known about the prevalence and risk factors of DDs in preschool children in the Arab world. Methods: PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, CINAHL, Science Direct, and Google Scholar were searched for publications on DDs among preschool children in the Arab world. Only 14 studies were identified in the literature, from 12 Arab countries. Results: The overall estimated prevalence of DDs among preschool children in the Arab world is 27.5%. An analysis of risk factors for DDs showed that child-related, maternal, and family-related factors account for a significant cumulative risk of developing DDs in preschool children. Maternal factors, such as antenatal and perinatal complications, were the most common risk factors. Conclusion: The prevalence of DDs among preschoolers is significantly high in the Arab world, which emphasizes the importance of the early detection and diagnosis of DD, as well as its associated risk factors.



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