The relationship of sperm DNA integrity with serum vitamin levels (folate and cobalamin) and food consumption in infertile men

  • Sara Boushaba (Laboratory of Acquired and Constitutional Genetic Diseases (MAGECA), Faculty of Medicine, Batna 2 University) ;
  • Yassine Helis (Ibn Rochd Laboratory of Medical Analysis) ;
  • Rachida Lebaal (Gynecology and Obstetrics Outpatient Clinic) ;
  • Sabah Beldjebel (Gynecology and Obstetrics Outpatient Clinic) ;
  • Ayache Benhamza (Gynecology and Obstetrics Outpatient Clinic) ;
  • Chafia Ziti (Gynecology and Obstetrics Outpatient Clinic) ;
  • Ghania Belaaloui (Laboratory of Acquired and Constitutional Genetic Diseases (MAGECA), Faculty of Medicine, Batna 2 University)
  • Received : 2022.10.15
  • Accepted : 2023.01.05
  • Published : 2023.03.31


Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships of serum folate (vitamin B9), cobalamin (vitamin B12) levels and diet with semen parameters (semen standard parameters [SSP] and DNA fragmentation index [DFI]) in infertile men. Methods: Sperm samples were assessed for SSP and DFI (using the sperm chromatin dispersion test). Serum vitamin concentrations were measured with an immuno-electrochemiluminescence assay, and men completed a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Results: Serum folate levels were positively correlated with sperm progressive motility and DFI. A comparison of SSP between two groups of patients according to serum folate concentration (B9 <4.840 ng/mL and B9 ≥4.840 ng/mL) showed significantly higher sperm concentration and sperm progressive motility in the latter group. However, there was no difference between these groups regarding DFI. Interestingly, serum folate levels were significantly higher in patients with a high DFI (using the cut-offs of 30% or 18%). FFQ data showed that the consumption of fruits and egg yolk correlated positively with sperm concentration and sperm motility, respectively. Conclusion: Serum folate levels showed significant associations with sperm concentration and sperm progressive motility. However, the positive association of serum folate with DFI raises the need for careful prescription of folate supplements.



We thank the entire Ibn Rochd Laboratory staff for their technical assistance, as well as Drs. Habib Madjor and Abdelhamid Benchadi for their help.


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