민첩성과 균형감각 간의 상호관계

Correlation between agility and balance

  • 최보람 (신라대학교 보건복지대학 물리치료학)
  • Bo ram Choi (Dept. of Physical Therapy, College of health and welfare, Silla University)
  • 투고 : 2022.07.13
  • 심사 : 2022.09.16
  • 발행 : 2023.03.31


Background: While agility is a critical factor in the performance of sport in the court field, due to the diversity of agility occurrences, it is generally difficult to develop by strength and conditioning training. Previous study reported the correlation with the static balance and agility. However, the correlation between dynamic balance and agility is insufficient. It is necessary to study how static and dynamic balance affect agility respectively, for agility development. Design: Cross sectional correlational study design Methods: Twenty young women participated in the study. Three tests were used : one leg stance(static balance),Y-balance(dynamic balance), side-step(agility). One leg stance measured time, Y-balance measured distance, and side-step measured number of times. Correlation between balance and agility was used by Pearson Correlation. Results: One leg stance and side steps were shown to be not correlated. The Y balance and the side step showed with a moderate positive correlation. Conclusion: Agility is a decisive factor in fast-moving sports performance, which is generally difficult to improve with muscle strength and conditioning training. Since the correlation between dynamic balance and agility was found in this study, the importance of dynamic balance was found to improve agility to promote coordination.



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