Research on the Correlation Between Rail Transit Entrances and Urban Form in High-Density Areas

  • Dongzhu Chu (Chongqing Architectural Design Institute Co., LTD) ;
  • Hong Su (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University)
  • 발행 : 2023.03.01


The transport system and its infrastructure are not only the fundamental means of sustaining the operation of contemporary cities, but also important drivers for the evolution of urban form. Rail transit, critical to improving the operational efficiency and optimizing the spatial layout in cities, is one of the critical conditions for high-density areas with limited land and concentrated resources to be compact to take on complex challenges. As a node element of infrastructure, rail transit entrances are the most important points connecting the rail transit system with urban space. Although influenced by urban form, their quantity and location also influence and shape the evolution of urban space form. Based on the development gap of high-density areas in various contexts, focusing on various rail transit stations in Asia, this research analyzes the correlation between rail transit entrances and peripheral high-density urban form in a delicate, dynamic and granular way. The research considers both horizontal and vertical perspectives, in combination with the urban evolution process in time series, to explore the development trend of high-density urban form in Asia from the aspect of correlation, and building a new foundation for research on urban form, suitable for different types of cities.



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