산학협력 캡스톤디자인 매칭 플랫폼 개발 연구

Development Study of Capstone Design Matching Platform based on Industry-Academic Cooperation

  • 김윤영 (인하대학교 공학교육혁신연구정보센터) ;
  • 김재희 (인하대학교 공학교육혁신연구정보센터)
  • Kim, Younyoung (Research & Information Center for Innovative Engineering Education, Inha University) ;
  • Kim, Jaehee (Research & Information Center for Innovative Engineering Education, Inha University)
  • 투고 : 2022.12.19
  • 심사 : 2023.03.08
  • 발행 : 2023.03.31


The purpose of universities is diversifying, such as education and research for the transfer of knowledge and technology, and training talented people with the competencies required in industrial sites. Therefore, universities are attempting various forms of industry-academic cooperation to maintain organic relations with companies and to conduct research activities, technology sharing, technology development, technology transfer, and human resources training. In particular, in the field of engineering education, various industry-academic cooperation programs such as field training, interns, and start-up support are actively developed and operated. Accordingly, the Engineering Education Innovation Research Information Center developed an online industry-academic cooperation capstone design matching platform for engineering education to enable collaboration between universities and companies nationwide. The industry-academic cooperation matching platform was developed under the theme of capstone design. Capstone design is a project-oriented and problem-based learning method that combines the knowledge and experiences acquired by the undergraduate department and designs and produces them. The subject of the Capstone design project was to solve corporate difficulties and allow companies and universities to collaborate. This study developed an online industry-academic cooperation capstone design matching platform according to analysis, design, development, evaluation, and execution procedures. This study is meaningful in that it has developed a channel through which students and companies, who are the subjects of industry-academic cooperation, can carry out projects and communicate organically through an online matching platform.



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