Glycosmis kanburiensis: A new species of Rutaceae from Thailand

  • Wichai AIYAKOOL (Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University) ;
  • Srunya VAJRODAYA (Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University)
  • 투고 : 2023.01.27
  • 심사 : 2023.03.23
  • 발행 : 2023.03.31


Glycosmis kanburiensis (Rutaceae) from Kanchanaburi Province, southwestern Thailand is described as a new species. It is similar to G. esquirolii (H. Lév.) Tanaka in its dendriform habit, terminal inflorescences, and large leaflets, but several easily recognizable differences in floral features, including triangular sepals with rust-colored indumentum (vs. broadly ovate villose sepals), globose, glabrous (vs. subglobose, villosus) ovary, cylindrical and attenuate (vs. stout) style, and ellipsoid (vs. globose) fruit. A taxonomic description, illustration, photographs, geographical distribution, ecological data, and conservation status are provided.



We thank Professor Uamporn Veesommai, who first found Glycosmis kanburiensis and who provided valuable information and suggestions, and the curators and staff of BK, BKF, CMU, CMUB, KKU, PSU, QBG and SING for their support and access to the specimen collections. Thanks are also due to members of the Comparative and Ecological Phytochemistry lab for their assistance during the field trips. We also want to thank the administrators of the Science Achievement Scholarship Fund of Thailand (SAST) for their funding.


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