The Effect of Ozonized Water Irrigation in the Circuits of Professional Ultrasonic Scalers for Causal Therapy of Stage I Periodontitis: A Randomized Clinical Study

  • 투고 : 2023.02.06
  • 심사 : 2023.03.07
  • 발행 : 2023.03.31


Background: Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory condition associated with dysbiosis of the oral microbiota. The aim of the present clinical study was to explore the adjunctive effect of ozonized water irrigation in the circuits of ultrasonic scalers for the full-mouth decontamination of patients with periodontitis Stage I or II. Methods: The study was a randomized, single-blinded, parallel-group clinical trial. The test group (n=25) was treated with ultrasonic scalers irrigated with ozonized water, whereas the control group (n=25) received normal tap water irrigation within the ultrasonic scalers used during the professional mechanical debridement. Full mouth plaque score, bleeding score, probing pocket depth, and the gingival index were evaluated at baseline, two, and 4 weeks after treatment. The pain perceived and dental anxiety were also assessed after treatment by means of the visual analog scale (VAS). Results: All periodontal parameters resulted in significant improvement for both study groups. The effect of the treatment group on the gingival index was significant, in particular, patients in the test group experienced a greater reduction in this score. No significant differences could be observed with regards to the average probing depth, full mouth plaque index and bleeding score. Patients treated with ozonized water running in the circuits of ultrasonic scalers displayed also lower scores for pain and dental anxiety. Conclusion: The present study showed a significant clinical effect on gingival inflammation attributable to adjunctive ozone irrigation during nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Further studies, including patients with severe periodontitis and greater sample sizes, are recommended to test the clinical effect of ozonized water in the circuits of ultrasonic scalers.



We thank Mectron spa, Italy, for providing the material for the present study.


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