태양 입사각에 따른 전력 변화

Power Change According to the Angle of Solar Incidence

  • Mi-Yong Hwang (Department of Culture Studies, Chosun University) ;
  • NguYen Vanhung (Department of Electrical and Electronics, Dongshin University) ;
  • Soon-Hyung Lee (Department of Electrical Engineering, Dongshin University) ;
  • Yong-Sung Choi (Department of Electrical and Electronics, Dongshin University)
  • 투고 : 2023.03.05
  • 심사 : 2023.03.11
  • 발행 : 2023.05.01


In this paper, we analyzed the transformation of the power following by the angle of incidence of the solar, the angle of photovoltaic module and artificial solar changed from 30° to 90° and synchronously changed the distance from 0.1 m to 0.5 m. Setting the distance between the artificial solar and the luminometer from 0.1 m to 0.5 m and set the angles to 90°, 60°, 45°, and 30°, the angle was 90° and when the distance was 0.1 m, the maximum Illuminance was 19,580 lux, the light could be obtained more. If the angle of incidence between the Artificial solar and the photovoltaic module was 90° and the variable resistance was 1,000 Ω at a distance of 0.4 m, the maximum power reached 0.82 W. Provided that the angle of incidence between the artificial solar and the photovoltaic module was 90° and the distance was 0.2 m since the variable resistance had the maximum power of 500 Ω, the maximum power was 0.78 W. At 1,000 Ω, the maximum power is 0.80 W so the maximum power at the variable resistance 1,000 Ω could obtain higher power than the variable resistance 500 Ω. The variable resistance was 1,000 Ω and the angle of incidence between the Artificial solar and the photovoltaic module was 90° at a distance of 0.4 m, and the maximum power reached 0.82 W. The angle was 60° at 0.3 m and 0.4 m the maximum power reached 0.10 W. The angle was 45° at 0.2 m maximum power reached 0.020 W, the angle was 30° at 0.4 m, and the maximum power reached 0.004 W. In four results about maximum power depending on the angle of incidence between the artificial solar and the photovoltaic module, the luminous efficiency and maximum power can be got the best at an angle of 90°.



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