대학생의 중고 의류 제품 구매 동기가 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향

The Effect of College Students' Motivation to Purchase Used Clothing Products on Repurchase Intention

  • 석혜정 (오산대학교 패션스타일리스트과) ;
  • 조신현 (장안대학교 패션디자인과)
  • Hye-Jung Seok (Department of Fashion Stylist, Osan University) ;
  • Shin-Hyun Cho (Department of Fashion Design, Jangan University)
  • 투고 : 2022.10.21
  • 심사 : 2023.01.10
  • 발행 : 2023.02.28


The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status and motives of buying second-hand clothing among university students and to suggest a plan to activate second-hand clothing transactions. In order to discover the effect of the buying motives on the purchasing of second-hand clothing, 112 university students who have purchased second-hand clothing over the past six months were surveyed and their responses were used for analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was found that design differentiation, habitual use, and economical factors had a meaningful effect on the purchase of second-hand clothes. Second-hand clothes have a positive environmental perception, but that perception did not impact the purchasing of second-hand clothes. It is necessary to raise the awareness and social movement around second-hand clothing and teach consumers the environmental benefits and sustainability of second-hand clothing. An activation plan for the second-hand clothing market is: 1. Proposes various market subdivisions that meet the characteristics and tastes of consumers that lead to the purchase of used clothing. In this study, two economic factors were found among the buying motives. The first is purchasing second-hand clothing at a very low price, and the second is finding luxurious expensive items or unique values at a lower price. Therefore, it is necessary to find various markets segments that suit consumer tastes by checking consumer characteristics and detailed factors. 2. Nurture second-hand clothing processing brands for the diversification of the second-hand clothing market. 3. There is an urgent need for quality classification, quality assurance, and the standardization of second-hand clothing. This study is meaningful in that it explored the possibility of having a positive effect on activating the second-hand clothing market.



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